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Why is the rating for this so low? I mean, I understand that it's not great. It at least had good animation. Wow, even you hate this yourself. I thought the music was quite nice. It just wasn't very ambitious.

You used too many of the same jokes over and over. It probably could have been longer, too. I thought it had some style. You can certainly make better cartoons. It's been a long time since this, so I'm sure you've gotten better.

Wow! I...I don't even know what I just watched! The animation was incredible! I thought this was just a knockoff product! It's unbelievable you much you've improved with animation after all these years! Then again, the jokes are much better too.

I simply can't love this because your later work is so much better. It was amazing to see where this all started. Even the title was way different. Well, I love cats. This is just a piece of history.

Yeah, I remember watching this when it first came out. I really don't think it's good enough to have this many views. I mean, it's certainly good. It's probably just because I'm into "Mortal Kombat". The animation could probably be better. For the most part, this was funny.

Scorpion is pretty entertaining. Congrats on all these awards. Wait, I guess "Frontpaged" isn't an award. I'm glad you found an audience. The characters are pretty funny.

I admit that the animation doesn't hold up after 19 years. Well, that's to be expected. I really did like most of this. I admit the "Ho, ho, ho" was kind of a cheap joke. Still, it was quite entertaining. I wish the portal was around in 1999.

I just want to go back as far as possible. It's great you have this old stuff here. Well, now this is itself an old submission. I really sucked at that test in the beginning. Well, I haven't been to college in a long time.

I like how you tackle Spring and Saint Patrick's Day! It really does make sense with the story. I wasn't expecting a crossword puzzle in this. This wasn't rated Adult? I assume anything that shows Puppy's genitals should get that rating. Well, we're probably used to it anyway.

It was so fun to see the aliens like the one from "Sci-Fi Guys". Do these take place in the same Universe? A lot of writers do that. Well, their voices are way different than this. The stepdad is so funny.

I probably have to watch more to understand what's going on, but this is nice. It's impressive how many times "Pokémon" has been parodied. That should be its own trope! I appreciate the animation. It looks like this guy has only one nipple! It's just a weird side view.

The voices are pretty funny. They've made every kind of pokemon since then. Still no poop pokemon. Oh, I probably missed one. I like how authentic the style is.

I liked the goofy animation. Then again, I'm not sure if that was intentional. Maybe it was worse that way? I liked how you used sound clips. I have at least seen the Next Generation movies. Nice of you to include that Khan bit at the end.

I might like Picard more. Anyway, this was good for a “Star Trek” flash. I know a bit about Worf already. He’s the same guy who did the voice of Weasel! I like how the other ship tries to be peaceful.

I really liked this! The best part was probably the opening sequence with that great animation. I was truly impressed and wished the rest of it was like that! Well, the animation was still great. Some of it did seem stilted at times. I have not seen the other ones.

Well, actually I probably have. I just don't remember it. I liked the action. Of course, the talking scenes were nice too. It was all around very good.

Uh, RIP Ben? Is it too late for that? Anyway, this was fun to watch because of the good animation. Ben didn't need to mention how he got the idea. I don't what to learn about how he was on the toilet. Anyway, I liked the use of bullets.

I was confused as to what this had to do with "The Lord Of The Rings". It's still a good cartoon. I especially like how the rain is drawn. It really does look like needles. It's just a good looking movie.

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