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I just love violence like this. Who doesn't? There's so many cool things you did with this. I didn't know you were supposed to literally shoot that last guy. It was satisfying! Maybe you could have had more onscreen at once.

It still delivers the great stick madness. Of course you're not anti-stick. We kill them all the time! Well, maybe you are. This is just fun destruction.

I can see this becoming a great series! I really do love the animation. You guys have come so far with your style. I actually really do like these characters. I felt kind of bad for them! It's for the most part, really funny.

I especially like the scene with all the signs. I new someone in Pennsylvania named Eric Meyers! Wait, that was years ago, so I guess this could be him! I'd love to see this become a series. This could be a new TV show.

Tomorrows-Nobody responds:

Really appreciate it and hope it becomes a TV series too. We're currently pitching it around town. Have gotten some good feedback along with the "no's" but still have several places considering it.

Yeah, I've noticed this stuff too. I especially like how we appreciate the series again. Anyway, I am quite shocked at the double standard a lot of people have with fandom. The idea with "Pokémon" is that you don't have to like something popular. By contrast, if you don't like "Star Wars" you're evil. I thought this taught us we didn't have to like stuff that's popular?

On another website, Pokémon is ranked as the most influential thing in artwork period. Anyone who's against that is worse than Jar-Jar Binks! I remember being a fan at the time this came out. Endless creativity that this series has inspired shall live on forever. Don't worry, the description's changed for the Pokémon collection!

It's a pity this series hasn't continued. I'd love to see how they react to the new Star Wars movies! This is one of Tom Fulp's favorite movies. Yeah, I'm a "Star Wars" fan. We're quite topical with movies. My favorite joke was when Puppy was confused about it coming out in 1977.

Well, we got more episodes later. Yeah, Wonder Woman is really good looking. For all the flak people give the prequels, it's interesting to see Puppy become a fan of them without seeing the original movies. I liked their own sound effects. And they say 13's an unlucky number!

Well, that was weird. I mean the animation was really good. It's just that the rest of it was so subpar. You just showed Kirby shallowing stuff and then getting sick. That was it. You could have done so much more with this good sprite work.

I appreciated the fine details. There was just so little going on! I wanted more of a story. He should have blown up or something. Well, this has a lot of reviews at least.

Wow, how did I not favorite this when I first came across it? I was afraid that this had been removed from the website. I couldn't find "Fox" and "Mirror". You just spelled it differently...for some reason. This was just so beautiful. I didn't feel like I was watching a flash cartoon.

It seemed more like an extra on a Disney DVD. I just love seeing these storyboards. Well sketches, you know what I mean. I love how it keeps going on. It works great as a song. This shall live on forever!

Boy, am I glad to have uncovered this! It was simply incredible with the pacing. I do wish there were more sticks. It's still done very well. The music was nice and appropriate. Everything was just so fast and I loved all the action.

You really didn't know what would pop up next. I guess he was weakened by the goomba at the end. This was just unexpected fun. I only wish it was longer. You rarely see these two great things combined.

I'm not a fan of the series, but this was hilarious! It was just great to see all these characters together. You even manage to give an authentic representation of the game itself. I saw some of it on "Game Grumps". The voices are amazing. My favorite part is probably when Kazooie's curse is cut short.

The animation is great too. I certainly learned a lot about the games from this. I love the references to their other games. I believe this is just like the game of course. It's great to know you worked on some great one shot stuff.

I think this may be my favorite in the whole series! Granted, that's mostly because it has two of my favorite authors working on it! It's Xionico and ZekeySpaceyLizard. Everything flows so well together. I feel like the length of the shorts was great too. It got pretty deep. Well, in every sense of the word.

The only thing I didn't like was how you had to play the scenes. You shouldn't have had to press the play button again. It's still minor and this is a great cartoon. Well cartoons, I guess. I liked the water theme in many of them.

Aw man, this is so awesome! I am so disappointed that you didn't make more of these. Not only is the animation incredible, but you have a great story going on here. I especially love Rouge in this. It's not just that she's really hot. Well, that helps.

Everything looked so gorgeous. You really created this unique world for Sonic and friends to be in. We get all these classic characters at their best! The atmosphere is incredible. The voices are wonderfully suiting too.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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