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That was unexpected

I had no idea this cartoon was going to take the turn it did. The weirdest thing was how random it was. I admit that if I saw that too, I would probably blow up everyone too because it would fit the random appearance of everything. I don't see a lot of "Dawn Of War" parodies around here so they're nice to see. What was cool were how authentic the voices were. This whole thing was so stupid, I found entertainment in it.

The bearded guy with the blonde hair looked like Jesus. I sincerely thought this was going to be a serious cartoon the whole way through. I probably wouldn't have liked or dislike it more if it had changed. The animation was well, something that I have mixed emotions about. It was quite authentic, but didn't flow that well.

Needs much work

You needed to work with having a background and a lot more music. Even the objects themselves were not covered in any sort of color. It also got a bit annoying how the song was an infinite loop at the end and you could not restart. The animation seemed so off in this, especially with how the main character looked. His lines just seemed to be jiggling all over his body. Even the "Happy Valentine's Day" message at the end looked crude.

The one part that was a bit funny was when he turned into the shoop da whoop guy. It makes you realize that some memes will simply never die, huh? I would turn into a monster too if I had to get up at six in the morning. The music at the end kind of sounded like it was made by the same guys who did the "I Ran So Far Away" song. I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day too.

Oh, a penis

I suggest you try to do better on a variety of things like some music. I know it was just a single image but it seems like there could have been some sound in this. If not that, there could have been an infinite loop showing some crude song. I realize that a lot of flashes are like that and it makes them a bit better. The only thing I liked was how it was kind of funny how the penis was shown. Every one of those fruits does look like parts of an actual penis!

You rarely see fruit clocks and vegetable clocks together like that. Maybe you were trying to promote some sort of peace? I was not even aware that the cock had been away. How can a cock take a shit anyway? I really should stop wondering right now how a cock could have shit come out of itself in any way at all.

icyh3ll responds:

You are thinking way to into this... This was just a clock day submission. To put effort into one is a real waste of time. I used powerbullet to make this in about 5 minutes just to have something to submit. Considering one of the highest rated Clock Day submissions is the letter B, I'd say I put too much effort into this. This is the second submission of Clock Day 2010.

Kind of different

It's great that people always manage to come up with new and original things in their Madness flash. While this was not from Madness Day, it managed to do quite well. The best part was probably the unique idea of people becoming red. While it doesn't make much sense, it's still original. What I did not like was how there was no music until the second half. It was weird how you were listing all the countries in alphabetical order.

I knew you wouldn't make it to every one of them. I am glad to understand the airborne is why it affects the dead. Science has proven that those are in fact the most dangerous and widespread of all viruses. The animation could have been better as it is standard for a Madness flash. I didn't know the title would be literal.

XXBlinx responds:

thanks for the comment, the countries in alphabetical order is a conicindence. The story does make make sense? People are trying to survive and at the end the dad (guy in blue) kills himself cause his family are infected

Not the worst out there

You spelled "since" wrong, as it's actually "since". There were a lot of problems with this, particularly with how everything seemed so disorganized. What was good was that the sprite works weren't half bad. Everything just moved so slowly as there was not much action in the beginning. I don't know why everything seemed red with Shadow's fight with Sonic. At least it cleared up when Knuckles and Tails arrived.

It also ended too abruptly as I was expecting some credits. The font that the characters used was a bit too small. It would have been better to have the dialogue contained in a box too. You need to brush up on some stuff, as being just introduced, I can not say much for the story. I am used to sprite movies like this on the website.

tal9x9 responds:

i am a beginner first i don't no a lot about flash but wait for part 4 it's gonna be longer and i will use 24fps on it and you didn't watch part 1 so you don't understand this part

Very pleasing!

I am glad to be introduced to this new series that arrived on this website. The best thing is easily how flawless the graphics are. It's stuff like this that makes you not worry if more flash cartoons become CGI. It seemed like you used the models from the "Minecraft" game for this. I've been hearing of that game a lot on the Internet recently. The best part was probably at the end when everyone turned into a zombie.

You simply can not go wrong with an ending like that. It's great just to see Snake move so fluidly in this animation. It was also great how you included some artwork with how you modeled everything before going 3D. I guess you're too early for something Halloween related, but this was still good fun. It seems like something from a webcomic.

It's awesome

Yes, it's basically the same thing over and over, but it was just fantastic to watch. I think this is probably the best animation I have ever seen you work on. The shading is completely flawless, especially with how these weird fellas just move around their environment. While the music might get irritating, it doesn't matter. It was great to see how you truly showed your depth perception. It was probably as much fun to watch the shadows as it was the birds!

They don't even seem like birds as they have no beaks. They look more like bizarre bubble gum creatures! It just goes to show that you will never stop bumping out amazing surreal stuff for all us loyal fans of yours to watch. My favorite is the one (or ones) who fly up and then get up and then fly up again, I think.

TheBoogley responds:

thanks again for your kind words mate!
yep, it's all about that middle guy with the ups and downs.
He can't decide what to do with himself... :)

You did it again, of course!

You will simply never cease to amaze me how you keep making great flash after great flash in this series! I guess it's kind of gauche to say this is the best yet. While I missed Jebus, there was still plenty of fantastic action to spare. There are so many characters now it is hard to keep up with. I will say that this had the best animation in the entire series! It's especially cool to see the dark guy roam around like that. Dang, I forgot his name.

The visuals with Hank's arm and the electricity was awesome as well. Every second there was that ominous laugh and that great music! It kind of sounded like an elephant screaming for some reason. The most visually pleasing part was probably when he rose into that great tower. I knew he'd get more than he bargained for when absorbing Tricky. The swordfight choerography is flawless as well.

So it starts!

You are a genius for merging two of the most popular franchises of all time! While I frequently watched "The Flintstones", I only saw the 2009 "Star Trek" movie, but that was one of my favorite movies. It's interesting how you combined elements from both shows. The flash works in kind of a pardoxical way because it's Stone Age and future technology at the same time. Wait, isn't that a description of Present Day technology? The colors and effects were amazing too.

It seems exactly like an authentic Hanna Barbara cartoon showing how much talent you guys have. The funniest part was the joke about him wearing clothes when it wasn't covering his ears. Everyone seems to be really in character in relation to the Star Trek show. You never know what to expect in these cartoons, like evil alien bees! It's a perfect blend of sitcom and science fiction.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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Joined on 9/21/08

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