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Can't wait for Team Rocket!

Wow, I really have to give you credit for actually being able to pause things at the end to see what they said. I always have to look closely at the really tiny print if there is no pause button. This was easily better than the first, because it had a lot more great jokes. Really everything in this was a joke that worked well. In fact, probably the only reasons I didn't give it a 9 is because I am really eager for Team Rocket to appear. The funniest part was probably when Brock had those rocks for pokemon.

It makes you realize they aren't all based on animals. Another funny thing was when you were asking what race Brock is. A lot of people on the Internet have wondered that. I'm glad you also called attention to the fact that Professor Oak always pays more attention to Ash then his own grandson. The details all around are nice too.

Nice little short

I kept hearing the trailer for "Yu Yu Hakusho" for some reason. At first I thought it was part of the cartoon, but I now find that likely. This was interesting because it shows what a wide variety of flashes you can work with. You have made so many it is now even difficult to discern a single style of yours. The hand holding up the brain I can recognize though. The best part was when you did that closeup of the goober's eyes.

While the animation all around was good, that was easily the best part. While it was a bit of an anti-climax, it was still very unexpected. You can't go wrong with death and destruction flying everywhere. It could have been a bit longer and maybe had some more detail like a background. It's still a decent cartoon, though.

mexipino responds:

Yeah, certain ads seem to act weird every now and then. Thanks for watching and for your review.


Congrats on winning a Daily 2nd Place. The thing that I did not like about this was how it was so short and it was a continuous loop. At least there was a decent amount of creativity and it should definitley please all your fans (such as me!). It was interesting how you worked on something completely your own. It wouldn't be the first time bunnies were killed, they do that a lot. We have some morbid fascination with them.

The sound was great in this and it really made you think you were right there in the action. The colors were great too as everything just moved so smoothly. The moving effects are nice too with how fast the bunnies swish across the screen. I like how one of the bunnies is wearing those cool shades. Happy Memorial Day too!

Hulalaoo responds:

We love u so much Ericho, never change

Couldn't get the point

The gameplay in this game was very incomprehensible. I knew that I controlled a ship of some sort, but nothing seemed to come out of this. Seeing as how it's not even called a game, I guess it isn't supposed to be one. The only thing that changed on the screen was the thing popping up saying to press OK if I did not get a seizure yet. That joke from "The Simpsons" was based on an episode of "Pokemon" you know. It least it has some flashy effects.

It makes me glad that I have not had a history of seizures. In fact, if you have not, then there's really no harm that can come from watching this or anything like it. It was a bit funny how you made the title without some vowels. The song isn't too bad but needs more. You need to have a lot more purpose than just faking seizures.

John K. would be proud

It is interesting to see someone like you go on to try a distinct form of animation that few other people use. It is a bit hard to judge this because there is not much plot as it is only a teaser. What was interesting was that it does makes me realize how much an animal's face looks like a ball sack. When I first saw the cat, he seriously just looked like a regular cat. I do not, however, like that it was in in an infinite loop as it got a bit annoying. The whiskers do look like pubic hair.

I'm not someone who would be disgusted at seeing a cat get a blowjob like that. I expect anyone who's such a good pimp would get around like that. I liked the atmosphere created by this and the voice was really goofy. It's a funny voice that just sounds like it's trying to entertain itself. Non Halloween stuff submitted on October 31st unfortunately usually gets unnoticed.


This was extremely funny if only because of Nappa's scream at the end. I love how it plays with the idea of a meme becoming annoying to a person. I imagine that if I was Vegeta and that happened, I would be pretty mad too. It's so worth it to blow that guy to pieces. The animation is really well done in this and should please any DBZ fan. It seems to be as good as any other DBZ flash done without sprites and the voices were great too.

This will simply never get old of, both the anime and the over 9000 gag. It kind of makes it weird how they just stop using power levels altogether. Hey, I never even noticed that Nappa didn't have his own scouter! That would explain why he was asking Vegeta. He was annoying you were really rooting for him to be killed.

Disease you get from chewing too much

Well, that was one of the most awkward flashes I have ever seen. It is pretty much impossible for me to really say whether it was good or bad as it seemed more like an object than a flash. This reminds me of Roger Ebert's review of "The Human Centipede". I guess the best thing to do is go right in the middle. While I have no problem with random stuff, this seemed too random even for me. I couldn't suggest you to make it better in anyway, because it should please your fans.

I like how the "Paly" button at the beginning was colored so brightly. I have no idea what this had anything to do with "Saved By The Bell". At least I can now say I know that sprankton means. I wouldn't want my dog to dress like a goth chick either, even if I was in some kinky relationship with it. Keep up the utter insanity.

I'm looking forward

This series has been going on so long I am glad to see it finally get a conclusion. That does not mean I want it to end, it's just interesting to see the grand finale. The coolest part would have to be the animation which was just flawless. While a little grainy, everything was drawn so efficientally that it really made you think you were right there in the action. I thought the shadowed figure at the end was going to be a human woman. It does seem to be time for the humans to appear.

Who knew learning about the destruction of the dinosaurs could be so fun? The sounds and music were great and authentic. The best part was probably when the meteors started falling to Earth. At least you are trying for a somewhat realistic angle. There were so many visual delights like the blimp being filled up with arrows.


It does my heart good to find members of the Lock Legion who get recognition on Lock Day! You and the voice actors are truly credits to your people by making such high quality submissions. I guess I was expecting it to be a parody too much. You guys can make great stuff when you get serious material to work with as well. The really cool thing was how everyone had such a distinct voice. You rarely see that in Lock or Clock submissions.

This really had me eager to see what would happen next in the story. It was so cool how you portrayed the clock bodies so realistically! Any fan of comic book superheroes should love this, as I am one myself! I hope there is a sequel and TimeGirl comes out today. It's amazing how much emotion you can put in their faces.

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