View Profile Ericho

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I loved this! You think 100K views was impressive? Now it has over a million! The animation was so good. Everything was just so cute. With something this romantic, it makes sense.

I didn't know Link would talk at first. Everything was just paced so well. Dang, is Mario short. Don't worry, the "Shadow The Hedgehog" game was bad. There's always good news for Mario.

Wow, this was a lot better than I thought. I mean, the Benny Hill theme has been done to death. People are still coming up with new stuff with it! Anyway, this was fun with the great sprite animation. I don't know why Luigi would team up with Wario. I just love how fluid this is.

I love Bowser in this. The last part doesn't make sense, but is really funny. I just love seeing all this stuff pop up. The random Mario themes are always cool. You can do a lot with them.

I really do love this! My only complaint is that some of it was on too wide of a screen. They looked too tiny. This looked way worse than the thumbnail. I guess it was just because it lacked color. It was certainly more awesome than I thought.

I loved the angles in this. You get such a good perspective. I really do love you guys. I don't think I've seen the other Meow Meow episodes. I just love cats.

I didn't quite understand this at first. Then I remember what a Transformer is. Well, in real life, I mean. I found this pretty amusing. I just wish it was longer. That's a catchy intro, though.

It was fun to occasionally see hand drawn animation from you. It sticks out so well. This was before the new Transformers movie OR Abridged Series. This was ahead of its time! You have good variety.

Yeah, it was easy to tell you didn't come up with the audio. The synching wasn't the best. Still, this was tons of fun. I especially like how you're able to animate all this goofy stuff. Was that literally supposed to be Princess Leia? This Yoda voice is spot on.

I like the little details. I'm glad it didn't get too graphic. Well, it was meant to not be rated A. The length is good too. Wow, that sounds dirty.

I wish you would have shown the actual final cut. You know, of the movie. This was the last time George Lucas directed one of the "Star Wars" movies. He only directed the original in the first trilogy. I appreciate the animation. It really is a distinct style.

Please change your avatar. Anyway, this was a bit too short. That Wilhelm scream seemed off. I think you changed the pitch for it. Lucas' voice was nice. The animation was a little like tlgmedia.

Yeah, this was amazing! I was just so impressed by the animation. I can't believe I've forgotten about this. Everything is so wonderfully cartoonish. I even loved the usage of the photographs. It was so goofy.

Yeah, this was a time where we thought "Revenge Of The Sith" was the last "Star Wars" movie. I'm glad to know we've come further. This really is a great song. It's great for any "Star Wars" fan. Well, it's great for anybody!

Wow, the credits were pretty long. I've never played the games, but have seen enough parodies to understand it. I especially like the animation. The voices are so funny. My favorite would be the Boxeater. Well, he is the guy who goes on the most.

Why'd you have to insult Ang Lee like that in the credits? Oh yeah, I looked at the comments. I'm not that familiar with the various bosses. It makes more sense this way. The artwork could be a bit better, but it still works well.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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