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Worth a second look

I was quite impressed by this and while it is in the same vein as "Animator Vs. Animation" it's still great. The reason is, that while it may be fairly short, you used a character that had a ton of depth to him instead of just a stick figure. I liked the smart aleckyness of the protagonist (if he is even supposed to be one). I think the best one was when he fooled the arrow into going through the skinny portal. The sound just made it really funny. I first thought this was going to be a parody of Disney's "House Of Mouse".

35,000th viewer!

I think that some of the sketches went on a bit too long, like the Asian people one. I did like it how that one girl had those little hands or something in her hair. I was nice enough to stay through the ending credits and that was in fact a really cool thing you did at the very end. The animation was drawn really well and it was pretty unique. Perhaps the strangest thing was how the women in 6 seemed to look like they had their breasts one on top of the other! And hey, I learned some Norwegian today!

Wierd, but good

This reminded me of that speech from the movie "Fight Club" only much lighter. I still think it's nice that you put the cartoon in a pretty interesting format, even if it's an unfamiliar one. I really like the message that you're trying to send. Now, I could spend all day telling you what my political views are and how they affect my life. What matters is the nitty gritty ideas that you encompass by promoting free speech. True, it could have been neater, but it's really the thought that counts.

It's fun

My biggest complaint about this is that it is in fact too short. I thought it was kind of strange how at the end, the guy was shooting him and blood came out even though he wasn't getting hurt. What really works me over is the animation. The best part is when the blue laser gun blasts the one stick figure. I am fully aware and believe that you are the actual Grim and you should get recognition for this. The characters really did seem to have a lot of depth to their movement despite being stick figures.

This was pivot, wasn't it?

I thought this was pretty interesting and it still holds true that people will never run out of things to do with stick figures. It was a giveaway of being cool from the beginning with that great lightning effect! I also really liked how it showed off a lot of creativity even though no one was else was brought up on the Author & File Information. I think the only reason this one was avoided is because it was submitted on Pico Day and it isn't Pico related. I liked how some of the stick figures got faces as it went on. The music was also pretty sweet.

A fitting end

I didn't think there was any way for people to come up with original material for stick fights, as it's been done hundreds of times before. I am glad to say this did not cease to disappoint. I think my favorite part was when the stick figure turned into the red stick figure by reassembling itself. It was so cool to see that guy continue to fight even though he had no arms, but he ended up winning anyway! It seemed to be a little hard for the parts to sync properly, but I forgot about it by the end.

Very deep stuff

The only thing that kept me from giving you a 5 was how it was a bit annoying how it showed those red doors over and over. As I've been reading Creepypasta lately, this does seem like a Creepypasta. It's a very ambiguous tale where you're not sure why or how anything happens. The effects are done very nicely and I especially like how the screen starts with the strange language, but the words are in fact comprehensible. I guess it was supposed to be sad, but it did have kind of an uplifting note at the end. Basically, it was very interesting.

Very cool!

It is always interesting to look at meta-fictional stuff that takes place in Flash Player itself, but this was one of the best! This is really cool because there's a very creative fight scene at the end in which Red actually gets to show some action. The animation (especially the smashing into walls) was just flawless. The fact that the stick fight had such bizarre things like the different parts of Red's body fighting him. While not as good as say, "Animator Vs. Animation" still an instant classic. I was able to figure about HFS stood for Holy F*cking Sh*t.

Very black

I would have been satisfied if you had shown that guy getting killed by the skateboard in the beginning and be done with it, but this was great! I never even thought of the stick figures as being black, as most of them are in fact, black. My favorite part was probably when the fighter was dodging the bullets. It was also nice to use two different environments, even if they weren't detailed much. This had all of the violence you would expect from a standard stick flash. I'd like to see ones about a green or purple fighter.

Nice prank

That seemed to be a bit too simple even by stick figure standards. I was, impressed at how funny this prank turned out to be. I had never wondered what half of cheese would be like before. For the simplistic animation, it does give a good representation of the people on the phone and their expressions and activities. I liked the picture of the pig with the apple that kept appearing. I guess I'm just not a guy who's into prank calls, unless of course, they use celebrity soundboards.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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