This is the best non game submission I have ever seen through the thousands of flashes that I have reviewed. I was so disappointed that there were so few people who were submitting animutations to the portal. While it may not be considered an animutation in the strictest sense, a parody of an animutation is just as spectacular. This is the kind of thing you can watch hundreds of times and still find things about it. For example, I found out you could make a funny sound by clicking on Katie Holmes' breasts. All the animation and characters drawn are nearly flawless.
I will just never get over how Tom Cruise moves in this thing. His eyes and legs and the like move so cartoonishly, yet you still manage to keep that still frame image so brilliantly. The music is flawless and catchy as always, and even the end credits are great. It's great to see so many memes appear in an animutation for the first time. It's, uh, a bit too bad this wasn't posted on the real guy's account, but whatever. This is the longest review I have ever made on Newgrounds and it is worth every word to type!