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Great stuff!

This is another reason why I watch the Clock Crew's flashes. It was absolutely fantastic to see so many of you guys contribute to one thing, even if it's only for 3 seconds. I think this may in fact have more collaberators than any other collab I've seen! It works well as a great length as 3 seconds gives a person a good time to show what their style truly is. It's nearly impossible to tell of a single one I liked the most, as they're all so awesome. All I can say now is, it's great to see all of the styles you guys have given us!


I was the biggest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan when I was a kid, and this was a great parody! I especially like how you put a lot of effort into stupid-looking, but at the same time nice-looking animation. The voices also did a perfect job of being really goofy, especially when they swore. It was awesome to have Blockhead appear. It's just so awesome to see a bunch of total idiots interact with one another. I love randomness as much as anybody else.

It was alright

This one wasn't particularly good or bad as it really just fits in between. The animation wasn't really that impressive, but it did have its merits like the way the mouths moved. Do real life rappers really improvise all of their lines in rap battles? If so, I have nothing but the utmost respect for them. I do kind of like rap and it is cool to hear them say funny stuff and make it rhyme. It was also pretty funny at the end where he simply shot the guy.


It's simply great to take a look back at the cartoon that cemented your place as one of my favorite artists! The animation looks a bit rough compared to what you do nowadays, but it's still awesome. I just love the overall cute tone of this, and making something cute featuring an armless boy is no easy task. The choice of music was also very nicely done. This sets the tone for how well the character's body movements work. It was also nice of you to flat out state this wasn't supposed to be anything deep at all.


While not a great flash, this was very nice indeed! I think this introduced more clocks to me than any other clock flash, as I hadn't heard of guys like PirateClock and ChickenClock. It was really funny to see their designs, including their classy clock faces. I loved the Pube Muppet reference in the store. It was funny how DwarfinatorClock talked normal (about panties, no less) rather than the other characters. I've always been a huge fan of milk, so it's a good idea to make an epic quest for milk!

Hey, very nice!

Seeing as how it seemed to just have a plain white background, I wasn't expecting much. While I've certainly see a lot of stick flashes, this still manages to be great. My favorite parts are the ice hammer appearing and the giant boulder. The very end where he punched the guy was pretty funny as well. The fighting was very well-animated and all of the sound seemed to sync well and fit with everything neatly. It's amazing how much you can do with just sticks fighting.


I could tell this was going to be a message about the environment. While I'm not the biggest fan of these lessons, it's important that you are able to show it in a fun matter. The animation and music was very nice as well. I kept thinking the guy with the mask was going to be the spy from "Team Fortress 2". It's important that people are aware of these things and what we can do to help them. I loved the use of real life photographs to emphasize the importance of your cause.

Woah, cool!

I had no idea you would actually go and make a midquel that exlpained what the heck these characters were doing in the first place! I find it nearly impossible for anyone to survive having a building fall on them, but then again, this is Madness Combat. I loved the appearance of Tricky and the Jebus head reference to the episode. It was pretty different to see two guys not really using guns. I guess it wasn't as great as most of your other entries, but it still works very well. I especially love the animatoin with the red background and the insanity caused by the improbability drive.

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