View Profile Ericho

12,257 Movie Reviews

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306 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Great flash!

Wow, really good. The animation was stylish as with your other flash, and it was cool seeing as those guys and getting beaten and then him finally getting beaten.

Please work harder!

This wasn't terrible, but please try to do more than just a screen flashing over. Yes, it's me again. I'm here to say that I bought a microphone, and I'm willing to do any voices you want.

Tails-Lock responds:

Uh, this was a joke movie. Then again I guess it's hard to tell when all my movies seem equally bad.
And it's awesome that you got a microphone now.

The lowest

This is the lowest average score based on reviews that I have ever seen on this website. Allow me to contribute to that factor.


Wow, it has such a high score and it's not even clock-themed. Lucky you.

The flash that marked your career

You'd won a lot of minor awards for things on TTA, but this is the first flash that you got real recognition for me! It's me, Ericho, yet again, and I'm ticked off you haven't responded to any of my reviews. Anyway, I knew that you had made flash with full dialogue, but this was certianly the first comedy flash you made. With all these awards, it was also your first front page. Being a character in TTA, I notice how this got a lot more recognition than TTA, but that's fine, because it's still great entertainment.

I didn't know you were a big fan of Power Rangers, and this was a great parody, as it was obviously made by someone who knew the show well. Some writers make a transition from comedy to more serious stuff, but you are a rare inversion, and let me say it's working great for you! The way the characters' bodies move, the way they sound, etc. is wonderfully done, as it puts emotion into the parody.

I recently got a microphone, and I will be willing to do any voicework on what is left of your parody rangers movie. It makes me proud to be friends (well, close) to someone who's been recognized in the world of flash. Thank you for this, all your other flashes, and have a great life!

Oh, I get it

It's supposed to be a metaphor for your life...I think. I didn't understand it, but it was still good.

trul responds:

nor exactly my LIFE, it was more than 15 years ago )))

Cool animation

This had all the good effects and plotline you'd expect from a front page flash on Newgrounds. Good work.

Nice drawings

This was just a montage of drawings inspired by the new movie, and it was pretty nice just to see that. By the way, I didn't like that movie.


This may have been short, but the concept is just so funny! It may not be the most original of ideas, but it was presented in a really original way with a lot of good animation! Keep up the good work, my friend!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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