View Profile Ericho

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Great as I expected!

It's me again! I would just like to say that I'm very happy to see this great flash! I'm so glad you were able to convert all of the flashes into one video this time. As usual, the voicework, especially the artwork, and the humor made it for me. My favorite joke was the one near the end where she said, "Fuck Me!". Lol. It had all the fourth wall breaking and random humor you'd expect from a flash like this. It's great to see it again.

By the way, I guess you got my e-mail about the Nostalgia Critic? Or was that just a coincidence? Anyway, fantastic work.


It wasn't the most innovative of demo reels, but it was still pretty nice, not to mention how upbeat the music was.

Too short

It was okay at best, as the animation wasn't too shabby, but you needed to have more things going on!

Not that bad

Some of the animation and artwork were a little slick, even though it really lacked a story. Still not the worst, though.

Pretty enjoyable

I couldn't really get the point of this flash (although it was for a school project presumably) and it was, well, not making much sense. Still, the artwork and voice work was good at least.

Good entry

While not particuarly memorable, this had all the sprite use, random jokes, and voice work you could want from a flash like this!

Khonjin responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed :)

Hey, that's not funny!

The only reason this got such a high rating is because "Pokemon" has a massive amount of hate towards it. I don't support any of this hate. It's all around the politics around the anime than what's actually on screen. Have you ever noticed that out of all the negative reviews of the movies, you've never heard anyone say "why" it was so bad? People automatically hate it.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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