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Great stuff

I had no idea that lifepoint1 was making this into a contest with entries! Truth be told, I'm not the biggest fan of his work, as it came off as too dark for me. Yeah, yeah, I know there's ton of probably darker stuff on this website, but this just sort of turned me off. Anyway, I have to admit that you at least did a good job. The animation was well done and so was the voicework. The story was interesting, and I liked how you really managed to put a good story together that really made some sympathetic characters.

Sort of typical

While it's always a good idea to use those faces when doing a humorous Madness Combat flash, I'd have to say I was a little underwhelmed. I mean, the graphics were good and the guns and everything looked just like what would be in an actual Madness Combat even made by Krinkels, but I've seen this joke before and it doesn't do much for me.

Good fun!

I'd have to admit that this wasn't one of my favorites of yours, but still very good. I loved the animation (I know it was supposed to be a parody but that was so good it was almost as if you were trying to get the real thing done) and at this point, I really notice how the lips don't sync up with the sound. My only complaint was that it went on a bit too long, and some of the gags did get monotonous. I look forward to more of your stuff like everyone else here.

Here we go again!

I knew that once I saw this, it was only a matter of time before I was going to review it as it was extremely high ranked and I was right! Cynicism aside, I thought this was done very well and it really does make you think about all of the crazy things that go on in video games. I admit being a zombie in "The Legend Of Zelda" is a very original idea, and it was great in itself to see all of those clips from great games. There's a big part of me that wishes they would have done the Top 5 Boobs in video games, but I digress.


It was longer than I expected. When I first saw it, I could tell it was going to be very random (which I of course love), although it felt a little like it didn't take much effort. That changed however, when it was revealed to me that the randomness actually fit together pretty well, with all those "laser" jokes, Caramelldansen AND Rick Astley, it's hard to go wrong with a combination as good as that.

Cute little thing

While this didn't have much action, I really have to give you credit for having such a cute idea! The mouse itself was a cute little critter, but you really added to the awesomeness by having the live-action hand show up (especially considering you didn't use stop-motion) and interact with the mouse. All in all, it was very enjoyable.

Nice fish

I thought this was done really well, and it just goes to show that you can't judge a flash by its cover. As this one had no visable icon, it was hard to judge as being great, but you proved me wrong! I liked how the worms seemed to have these little arms that I guess were supposed to be hairs or something? The simplicity of the flash made it work well as it's really meant to just be a casual work. I wish I could eat sandwiches while catching fish.


I guess the sprite work itself wasn't too shabby, but it just didn't do much for me. If you're going to make fun of a series for being stupid, logic would show that you should be logical that you try to be as intelligent as possible. I'd like to add that it at least kind of funny when you showed nothing but "YOU" in the credits and made it an infinite loop.

Not really enjoyable

To be honest, I thought you were making way too much of an easy joke. Oh yeah, the Muppets are high. I'm not saying it can't be done well, I'm just saying that it didn't look like this took much effort. The animation was mediocre at best (maybe that was part of the joke), not to mention that I really couldn't understand the jokes from the audio at all. I'm not saying you're a bad person, it's just that this just use more movement with the characters.

Like, wow!

I was hooked from the beginning (the "CircusFreakFlash" logo was done very nicely). Admittedly, I was expecting something a lot more epic, seeing how the animation was done so well (I really liked how the characters moved) but it did strike me as funny how such an epic-seeming flash ending with such an anticlimax.

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