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Good for education

While the animation may not have been spectacular, I have to give you points for at least trying to make something educational. I myself had never even heard of sod houses before and at least your information was represented in a pretty clear, understandable format. I also loved the cats in this one. Education combining with cats is always a good thing.

It looks great!

I know that Warhammer 40K is a really popular series, but I haven't really seen much flash (or much fan tributes at all) for it, so I'm looking very forward to seeing this collab honoring a much-praised popular series! As for the trailer itself, the animation looks fantastic with a lot of original works that really draw the viewer into an interesting world. Can't wait for it!

Doughnuts are awesome!

I'm a huge fan of doughnuts, and it's pretty satisfying to see one in an actual story! I thought the animation and voicework was done pretty well, and it's just a satisfying feeling to think of a land made of frosting in the clouds! While it didn't have the best of jokes, I have to like how that blue doughnut (how many of those are there?) is so dumb it's funny.

StupidlyEPIC responds:

RayG likes drawing circles. I remember he showed me this donut character one day where we both worked and i said "stick a crown on him!" and he did. The rest is history!

How ironic

I'm a huge "Watchmen" fan so I was eager to see this. At first, it didn't look like much, just some cheap joke, but you definitley get points for mentioning the dangers of Rule 34 at the end! I mean, honestly, Dr. Manhattan's naked, this series was ripe for that sort of thing! Oh, and I look forward to the next installment of Dick Neck.


Some people might view this as being not that good as it was short and didn't have much animation, but I'm a person who's open to all kinds of ideas, so I can say that I enjoyed this. The artwork showed was well-drawn and it was a great song to play throughout it. I also liked the transititions from one picture to another. Sure, it's not a great creation, but I really thought it worked well for what it had.


Wow, that's quite an interesting video taping you had there. The fish with legs looked exactly like cartoons! Who knew reality could look so unrealistic? Seriously though, this was a pretty good flash and it was interesting how you talked about a being so amazing it proves that God exists. I know that wasn't the main point of the cartoon, but at least I got a positive message from it.


I'd have to say I was very impressed with this one. I heard some stuff about killfrog, but I think I only saw one of their cartoons here. This is great stuff. The humor was nice, but what really won me over was how good the animation was. The gray dull area Ed lived in was a great contrast to the colorful world inhabited by demons.

Not bad

While Halloween is a long ways off, this was still a pretty nice thing to watch. It was funny how the guy became Harry Potter with the scar on his head. He pretty much already fit the criteria with the glasses. The animation was done quite well, especially with the spirit of Halloween. It wasn't one of my favorites, but it was good enough to watch.


I recall seeing this earlier on Ugoplayer! While not one of my favorites, I have to admit the animation was really nice. It wasn't like stick figures, but had a lot more depth to it than you'd expect. The humor was nice and I think it worked well as a pretty realistic representation of what life is like, and I of course liked the ending gag.

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