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It was sick alright

I'm not really a big fan of your work, but I can at least learn to appreciate what it is. This was indeed pretty sick, and I liked how you did the "Next Week" thing twice. I also enjoyed the animation. It's more like writing on blank paper instead of like textbook paper, which is what I would expect to see more of from something like this. Towel Boy is a pretty neat idea for a superhero.

Great work!

It's to see (or should I say, hear?) mrSimon around here again. I was very impressed by the animation. While it was definitley intended to be a more humorous cartoon, I can still praise you for this, not to mention it was really cool how everyone switched around to normal voices once they got into the sunshine dimension.

Pretty cute

While it may have seemed that it didn't take that much effort to make, it was still a very heartwarming flash, and it's nice to have that sort of thing around Christmas time, the thing that Christmas is really all about. The birthday cake said "1", which I think meant it would be his first birthday, but wouldn't this be his zeroth birthday? Or what? Never mind.

I liked it

Well, I managed to catch a glimpse of one of your other flashes, and I was surprised to immediately find this one just out in the open! In short, I thought the animation was really done well. While obviously it was hard to get into the song because it was in another language, I can at least praise you for creativity and recommend this flash.

Darkar responds:

Thanks a lot! n_n

Best in the series!

I am now still watching these cartoons in reverse order, as my checking of the top rated forces me to. That being said, I can say that this is the best one in the series! I thought that the voice work was really nice in this one, not to mention all the crazy jokes that went on. I especially liked the sprite and all her (his?) crazy antics.

Emptygoddess responds:

You're like a time traveler. Tell me, in the future do we still use primitive textile based typing?


This wasn't the first time I'd seen this sort of thing show up on Newgrounds, but let me tell you it certainly wasn't a cheap knockoff of something else as one might expect, but rather something really good in its own right! My favorite part was probably near the end when they were going around the paper pole thing. This has inspired me to perhaps make my own stop-motion stuff as I don't have flash.

Dick neck?!

I remember first going onto this website and noticing all of the memes that were made exclusively just for flash cartoons. Then I went over to the forums and I was delighted to find the memes that started there, particuarly one that stood out was Dick Neck. It's a great example of a meme, and I seriously can't wait for the actual movie to come out! Thank you so much!

Galneda responds:

You're very welcome! Hope you enjoy the feature!

Different kind of movie

I wasn't all that impressed by the animation (it really seemed like it was just a bunch of still images put together, and not that many different ones at that. I haven't played this video game so I couldn't really get the jokes. I will say that of all the mediocre things in this flash, at least you put in a really cool song to go with it.

eat-at-joes-guy responds:

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You say you've never played the game, first mistake. Don't question the source material or the humour involved, otherwise you have no place judging anything but the appearance and animation in the first place. Still images? Please, go watch something else if you don't like intentional pose-to-pose animation. It's relevant to the humour.

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