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Very nice!

The animation was a little simplistic, so I couldn't help but think this may have been one of your earlier animations, but it turns out to be recent. Anyway, despite said animation, it was a very enjoyable flash that did well in spite of, or heck because of, its simplicity. The best part was when they entered Cloudland and encountered the Sun who just casually punched them away, not to mention it was awesome how he used the laser meme to defeat the wise man NOT in a box (funny, too) and then just casually telling another guy there it was a secret.

At the beginning, they should have said, "For great justice!" or is that meme just dead now?

Oggy-cheese responds:

Thanks. I know what you mean about the simple style. When I first started making flashes, I was aiming some really detailed and mega graphics stuff, but I was never able to do it, and recently I've been going for a simpler style instead, I find it nicer too look at, simpler to animate and it's a style that suits me, rather than trying to achieve the level of detail in flashes by Adam Phillips etc. I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

It was fine

It wasn't that good of a flash, but it was okay. The animation was really good or bad, and neither were the jokes or the story. I will say that I liked how goofy this whole thing was! You had these hats who never changed expressions, yet they suddenly shifted to extremely angry for seemingly no reason. I also like how the two guys at the end just stand there doing nothing waiting for the hats to beat them up.

I like a lot!

This had seriously some of the best sprite work I've seen, although I guess that might be because the characters were so tiny, it was a lot harder to notice pixels. As this is your first flash movie, let me congradulate you on a job well done! I'm looking forward to the sequel, especially with all of those elaborate fighting scenes!

RopeDrink responds:

Glad you like it, though I think I accomplished my one goal when I made this and that was to finally learn how to make flash (at least with SwIsH) so there's been no plan or thought of a sequel but as said before, I wont be suprised if some time in my life, I'll figure... Hey, maybe that story needs finishing!

A better theme!

I was pretty impressed by this. I thought the first one was alright, but this one looks a lot better! It's great how you show the differences and how you've improved with animating, and of course by adding voice work, etc. I am looking forward to the next episode.

You're welcome for watching

This was pretty entertaining. I was very impressed by the cartoon's animation, as it really puts in a lot of color at all the right places. Now, the content itself I admit really wasn't that funny. I mean, it was fine, but not as memorable as the animation.

So overall, this was done well.

cronobreaker responds:

Glad you enjoyed it:) The writing is something I definately want to improve on in the future, I didn't actually realise how hard it was to write something decent until I started work on this!

Best one today!

This is my favorite Clock Day submission, because of how it really deconstructs the idea of the Clock Crew and artwork in general. I admit, he did draw a pretty good "B" and I really liked how they had real voices, as well as arms and legs. I was also impressed how the animation flowed well and of course the funniest bit was the end where OrangeClock wanted the penis to be drawn faster.

Happy Clock Day f*ckers

I have to give it to you on this. The animation (especially the designs of Tom Fulp and the Clocks) was done wonderfullywell, not to mention how funny it was when Tom retreated at the mention of making Pico 2. It was also funny how OrangeClock died again. Probably the thing that made me want to give you a "9" was how you could of course kill him again.

Very nice indeed!

When I first saw the image preview, it didn't look like anything special, but I'm glad to say that I was wrong! I loved the animation (heck, there weren't any dark outlines on the figures) and it is an original (if somewhat obvious) idea to have the Clock (fruit) characters eaten. I was a little disappointed that StrawberryClock just let the others die, but of course satisfied at its conclusion when it was all subverted.

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