View Profile Ericho

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I uh, was very surprised by this. I mean, I really liked the old things you did with the Solid Stick series, but this was just awesome! This new style of animation was simply fantastic, not to mention it's great that the plot is starting to come together! A gun versus a sword is also a great idea! Two of the most prime weapons against each other is always a great combo! What can I say? I had no idea this series would ever turn out like this, but boy, I am glad it did!

Sprite movies never get old

At 20 minutes, you're still able to deliver something that can make you watch the thing the whole way through! I simply loved the deconstructive humor in this movie and the silly pop-culture references. It's also perhaps some of the best way of using sprites I've seen in a flash! Congradulations on your work!

Another great chapter!

When the "Madness Combat" movies were released I thoroughly enjoyed watching them and their spinoffs. Even though the idea wasn't yours (hey, look at the guys who make the Abridged Series spinoffs) it was still executed in a fantastic manner! It's great that you use your own ideas and techniques to make something truly entertaining that is great entertainment in its own right. Loved the violence as usual!

This is great!

Here we go again, delving into the demented and crazy of one of Newgrounds' most celebrated flash artists, David Firth! This was simply fantastic and it had al the Kafka-esque dark humor and style you'd expect from a flash from you!

I like it!

It was a very fun flash. I could tell it was pretty old (2003, at least old by today's standards) but it was done very well! I especially liked how the dark energy went on its own and formed a new sword and then just randomly disappeared. The use of blood and violence was good as well.

Simple, but funny

I could tell that the creation wasn't very hard to do (especially with the thing exploding and all) and it was short but it's all about delivery and the all-around impact of the stuff that's going on in the flash (however briefly) that really brings the all-around satisfying conclusion of enjoyment.

How cute!

When I first read the name "Lil' Hoots" I thought it was going to be about a rapping owl! Yeah, I don't think it was that funny but it really wasn't supposed to be, just entertaining and it did its work very well in that way. I especially love how cute everything is, not to mention it's funny how he looks so much like Jigglypuff!

My favorite!

This was the best NG Time Trial I've seen in the series! It was great to see work from my favorite authors like Afro-Ninja and TimFrommeyer! The animation was done pretty well in all categories and it moved pretty well. It's flashes like these that make me miss the old time trials this site used to have. Well, they were great while they lasted at least!

Not bad

While it was pretty short, it was nice to see some pretty decent animation not to mention the animation and sound were pretty good on their own.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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