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It wasn't terrible

The animation was a little too simplistic but at least the scenes with all the blood and stuff were good and so was the scene with the overhead view.

Simply fantastic!

I had no idea what I was going to see, I was thinking this might be an educational video or a parody of religion or something. I'm very happy at what came out! The non-sequitor title fits this collage of absurdity very well! While having no plot, everything still seems to move together very well on its own, not to mention the music is pretty calming too.

Very funny!

Apart from the stylistic animation (especially at the end, lol) it's great to see a tribute to a great song from "Toy Story". You don't see that stuff being referenced enough nowadays.

Horsenwelles responds:

tanks for a well-worded review!

toy story is really an overlooked nostalgic film, rather than a cult classic, and may be why its never really referenced like this

meatwadsprite (jason gastrow) used to go on and on about how he loved toy story (on skype of course)

and playing brawl all the time gave us the idea

its all there in comments and credits

and thanks!

You've gone it again!

Thank you millions, TheWeebl and Wonchop for teaming up for the umpteenth time to give us another fantastic flash cartoon! I must say this was very impressive and very interesting! I don't think I'd ever seen you guys make something with sprites and this was also the best combination of live-action and animation you guys've made! Toilets really are something you should learn more about in video games, you know!

Pretty entertaining

While not the funniest, the character design and body movements are pretty funny.


You should've gotten the 500,000th flash but you were off by 15 flashes! Next time, never watch a quick video like that.
Anyway, this had really good animation and I liked the funny immigrant joke. Congradulations on your success anyway, Wonchop!

First review!

Well that was pretty bad I suppose, but at least that was a nice drawing at the end!

The clocks were drawn very nice

Loved the black and white style. Really gives it a nostalgic feeling, not to mention the effects are funny.

biblo responds:

why thanx!

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