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Who's there?

I was surprised this had a fairly high rating as I couldn't really understand it, but let me just say that the joke at the end made everything great! It's impressive how a lot of buildup expecting to become nothing actually does build up to be something!

Boy, that dude is high.

Pretty well done

I haven't seen the other Cyborgkid entries (there are others, right?) but I was pretty impressed by this. I didn't think the animation or story was top-notch per se, but it still worked out pretty well, as I especially liked the protoganist's design.

Oh, I just realized you put the description of this story in your description. Geez, and I thought I was a good observer.

vezanmatics responds:

Aw, gee, you shouldn't've.

This is actually crap compared to my newer ones, if you haven't seen them, you really should.

Not bad at all

I really liked watching the clocks going around, talking about their lives and having casual conversation with each other. I liked the birthday cake and the designs were pretty good too.

How fortunate I would stumble onto this merely a few days before Clock Day while viewing a highly rated Clock flash that wasn't submitted on Clock Day. Have a good day and good birthdays for you forever!


Funny premise and all, but I thought you couldn't get things that were just slideshows with no interactivity. That's what the rules say.


Sorry, dude, while I admit the animation was pretty nice, I would've liked a lot more to see some action as that's what Pico is really all about. I'm not much for learning about shoe fashion.

Nice as always

While it wasn't that long, and I wished it could've had more to it, I still have to praise you for this. I just love the idea of taking old scrapped stuff and smushing it together to make something new. The music was impressive and of course, the non sequitor animation made it as usual.

Pretty clever

I thought this was done quite well. It wasn't an instant classic, but it was nice. The animation was really well done, and I liked the theme too. The best part was how everything became gray because of all the negativity this person had around him. It really does let you view this as a lesson in life.

Not too bad

While obviously it was short, I will at least say I liked what I saw. I'm going to admit that blams rising from the dead and attacking people is a really cool idea, and I thinik this could go over really well if you added some more elements. While it was cheesy, the guy's voice was really funny. I hope you do continue it, if as nothing more than a game.

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