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I feel so bad for knowing nothing about "Dark Souls" but I do enjoy this a lot. You just need a sense of humor to appreciate it. My favorite part was probably when he looked like a baby bird. There were just so many cute moments. I liked when the dragon was slowly following them. The bits with them on the map were great.

Yeah, I don't know who these characters are. Those are the longest credits I've seen in awhile. I guess it fits for a long (by the standards of this website) movie! It was quite enjoyable in most ways. The voices were good too.

Jameserton responds:

Thanks Ericho.

This had a great punchline. I was thinking it wasn't that funny at first. I was able to understand the final joke. It really did pay off. It all makes sense as the candy corn was harder than this teeth. Is this the first in the whole series?

I absolutely love candy corn. It seems like you were off to a great start here! The character's reactions are really nice. It's short, but it delivers its message. It's a nice little short.

I loved this even if it was a bit anti-climatic. What mattered was that it was just hilarious. I love the part where the store owner is revealed to be an apple. I thought it was going to be a person living in that apple or something. It wasn't, but it was still nice. This is great animation.

I just love how you show the arms as lines. It's just a nice little detail. There are lots of nice movements. Wow, that sounded dirty. It made no sense, but was still wonderful.

Wait, this was made in 1999?! I really am blown away by this! I assume anything from that time period would be bad. You really did prove me wrong! I was amazed at how good the animation was. My only complaint is that it was a bit too short.

For this time, that's excusable. This may in fact be the first great cartoon ever made on the entire Internet. The atmosphere is wonderful. It's such a good use of animation at this time. Not much of a mystery, but still fun!

This is probably one of your best flashes. It's weird to see a preview for something that was already released. I don't remember the length of the original. This seems as long as the actual movie! What I loved about this was how surreal it was. It still had fantastic animation.

I mean, this looks gorgeous! Well, it's technically ugly, but you get the idea. It's just so wonderfully detailed. I have no clue what's going on and I don't care. Anusboy even dies halfway through.

W-P-S responds:

What are you talking about? "Anusboy: The Movie" has not been released yet.
I think you're confused.

Yeah, I agree this wasn't much. I honestly don't think it deserves this low rating. It's mostly because it does give you what you want to happen. I'm not into recreational drugs. The animation wasn't that good. Of course, it's probably better high.

I guess it is unique. It just isn't well detailed. Is this all marijuana? I assume it can be taken in all these ways. Then again, I've never heard of it being injected before.

Yes, I loved this! I appreciate how this holds up after all these jokes. I especially love how serious the announcer plays it. It's just nice to see this being put to life. I heard this was based on some radio skit. The animation is great.

It's especially funny to see the live-action photographs talk. It does make me wonder how exactly he would protect. I assume he'd fight them too. The voices are really funny. I just like seeing Ben's eyebrows.

Wait, so that's it? It's just the dog getting shot? I mean, I want to see that happen too, but it was nothing else. I wish I could be the one to shoot him. Seriously though, it is great to kill him. I heard someone say that thing could be Scrappy's father.

It wouldn't surprise me. There's too much ending music though. You should have shown blood. Please go all the way! I can still understand why this was made of course.

visionomud responds:

learn to make proper reviews you dumb autist

Even with the volume as low as possible, this was still pretty annoying. Was it just this one thing over and over? I think it probably was. The animation wasn't good at all. Well, it wasn't even really that. I too, am annoyed by Wassup.

You just need to have something more clever than this. It's not really saying anything. You need to be less annoying than them. I couldn't click on anything. I just don't understand it.

I didn't care for this, mostly because the quality was so low. This doesn't hold up well at all. There should have been some voices. I would have liked to hear how the monkey sounded. He does more killing than having sex. Some of this just goes on too long.

I especially note the part with Spanky being shot. I did like how his angel attacked people. The music wasn't bad. It just seemed very childish. It's just too old.

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