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Yeah, the first animutation to win Daily Feature! I think only other two others did. They were "SHS" and "ScientLOLojyuuichi!!". I personally didn't find this to be as good as those. It just helps that the tune in this is so freaking catchy. Well, you didn't come up with it yourself. This wasn't as weird as many other animutations.

It doesn't matter, because it's still a lot of fun. I just love the idea of all these versions of Mario coming together. A pity the Nostalgia Critic ripped this show apart. At least the characters looked like their video game counterparts unlike that awful movie! Bob Hoskins isn't as good as Lou Albano.

It's weird seeing as how this turned out. I first heard more about "Elevator Action" from Vinnie Veritas. It's a long story. I do appreciate how good the animation is. The problem is that this goes on too long. VGDC did this sort of thing better.

I really do like that last gag. I like the idea of him accidentally having sex with her. Why does he just let his wife off the hook? The pacing isn't bad. It's pretty nice to look at, even if it's not that great.

Wow, I have never played or even heard of this game before. I love the little intro. You sound like one of the voice actors from the "No Evil" series. They seemed to have changed those names. It's great to see you do a tribute to an obscure game. I liked the action.

It was cool to hear those sound effects. I had this confused with another flash with the same name. Well, it was "Elevator Action!" without the +s. The colors were as good as ever. It was something different from you.

This was a good animutation, but not a great one. I guess I just wanted it to be shorter. I believe I heard the word "Pokémon" in there somewhere. I guess this is another pokemon song. I'm glad that hasn't died out. It's nice to see Lesko star in his own animutation!

That's a lot of Colin Mochries. Is that a word, Mochries? It was nice to see Fred Flintstone. It's a pretty easy going animutation. Wow, is clip art common.

I feel bad about not liking this. I think I was mostly turned off by Rick's voice. It seemed pretty off. Morty, on the other hand, had the absolute perfect voice. The animation was quite authentic to the show. I'm glad this series is so popular.

Maybe we'll have a "Rick And Morty" collection here. I like the idea of pokemon in their world. It still didn't quite make much sense. It wasn't really about "Pokémon Go!". They were already real.

I haven't seen the movie in a long time. I didn't know he had all that dialogue. I just didn't care for this. It was just him farting all the time. Why'd you have to make fun of the best part of the whole movie? It's weird looking back at this website.

For all the hatred everyone has of "The Phantom Menace" it sure made some popular cartoons. I don't see the appeal in this. I'm more into ponies farting. That's just funnier.

Yes, you're back! I so rarely see submissions by my favorite authors nowadays. This seems more like something BlackTangledHeart would make. You've heard of him, right? This is just so creative. I have no idea where this is going.

It's just hard to remember any specific part that stands out. Everything is so wonderfully surreal it's hard to pick out a favorite part. I don't know why you waited years to submit this. What did Livecorpse have to do with this? Wow, he's been dead over twelve years!

It's great to see you back! I admit that I've kind of not liked your stuff as much as I used to. I still think you can be very funny. I really don't like what those folks at YT are doing. The animation seems crisper. It's weird to see Foamy so small.

He's probably better that way. I go to places like these all the time. Yeah, there are still some things you can only get on VHS. If I was born eight years later, I wouldn't care. They play DVDs too!

I could not get into this. I would have liked to see something get laid. Well, at least alluded to. I mean, the animation wasn't bad. It's just that there was little going on. It was a single bit that wasn't that interesting.

I can appreciate its significance. It was one of the first flashes for Valentine's Day. It was still done too late. The music was good too. You just need more going on.

It's interesting to see the start of this series. This is the start, right? I really did like the sounds in this. Kegel looks more like a rat than a dog. I'm glad I didn't read the author comments. It would have spoiled the biggest joke! The animation isn't bad.

I think these voices are pretty distinct. I noticed the little poop on his thermometer. I don't know how much is in the average rectum at any given time. I admit this isn't one of my favorite series. It's still just fine.

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