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Cats are awesome!

I love the "Cat Face" series and let me say this is one of your best! It's simply awesome to hear you mention lolcats especially in Cat Face's fantastically ridiculous British voice! The artwork is great as usual.


Judging from the picture I saw, I KNEW this was going to be something great, but not even as great as this!! Every single second of animation was absolutely gorgeous, like the artwork itself was dipped in frosting and sugar! Everything was so unbearably cute!! It was even cute with all the rape and blood and everything!

Geez, did I say that? I need help.

Anyway, loved the cameos by the "Lucky Star" characters and their gag of course, and the other endless array of cameos and ludicrous things going on!! This MADE MY DAY!!!


Great stuff. While obviously the story/stories themselves had no points, the fluid animation and absurdist nature made it, as one would expect from people like TheBoogley (yours was my favorite), TommyVF and MarcyVF!

Graeme responds:

They all have such fluid animation. Although I think I picked a different fps then they are used too

Wasn't expecting this!

I had no idea there was going to be a Legend Of Zelda collab, and I knew that with such a popular series, there was going to be a lot of effort put into it! I especially loved the hearts at the bottom where it showed which number in the flash it was and how much there was left to see. We should have more collabs like that! Anyways, it's also great to see LegendaryFrog again, and of course all these other talented flash artists!

Good again!

The Lock Legion lives up to its greatness once again giving you an awesome show with some really good visuals, and catchy songs for that. I also like it how you guys always credit everyone, as it shows how important we all are in this crazy world.

I love the Lock Legion!

The sketches were great as always, and I can't believe I completely forgot about Lock Day and didn't even look at any of the Lock flashes until now! Anyway, this was awesome, especially the angry guy. I also thought it was cool how the locks were able to get faces even though normally their faces are nothing but, well, locks. Happy be-related Lock Day!

MasterLock responds:



Happy 25th anniversary of the creation of Tetris! And hey, same as D-Day! Anyway, this was a well done flash, using merely blocks to create an interesting series of events, not to mention I really liked the music.

KobraEditing responds:

Thank you!

We've got plenty of clock people here

I had no idea that's how you pronounce "manga"! I've been doing it wrong the whole time!

OK flash.


To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of you, but you still make good flash. While the animation (loved the art shift) was nice, I was getting a little bored by what was going on, but I will say that ending made up for it.

On a sort of related note, I doubt I'll ever really become a fan of Facebook or Twitter.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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