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I really did like this. I thought it would just be a still image. I'm certainly glad it was more. I liked seeing the NG toys, especially the Satina one. I wasn't expecting it to get so graphic. It's been a while since I've played the game.

The sprite work was amazing. It's just been a while since I've seen a lot of sprite work, or I guess pixels. They're the same, right? I want us to use all styles. Dad is such a good dad.

Aww, now you're doing this. What's next, punctuation? ?, and ! ? (that last question mark wasn't part of the list). Jokes aside, this was great. It's amazing how much this series has developed. Everything is just so well put together now.

I know Y = mx + b is slope-intercept form. That's the ONE math equation I remember from high school. I think I can guess the title of the next entry. He shouldn't need a scouter to find x. Oh, maybe you'll do Chinese characters someday.

Wow, I was afraid this would be boring at first. It was certainly anything but! I loved how unpredictable it got. It truly does qualify as experimental. I had no idea what the story was. It was certainly interesting. The backgrounds were great.

Everything had so much depth. You'd think something with the word "Clock" in it would be about the Clock Crew. Now that's variety! Happy Pixel Day 2023 and congratulations for being the thumbnail! Thank you for sharing your creativity.

tscoct responds:

(i was too afraid to admit it before but i have no idea who that clock crew is)

Well, that was anti-climatic. I still loved the animation. TJ Mugger looked like the Ninja from "Ask A Ninja". He wouldn't use a gun! Well, he did use one to impale a person. The hat reminds me of Ash from "Pokemon".

Well, Terry came out first. Maybe it's an actual shout-out? How is this not in the Pixel Day collection yet? I guess it truly is for both games and movies. It's easily our best ever.

Yeah, it was more minimalist. It was still awesome, though! I was disappointed that we wouldn't get to see the goat cause any destruction. I'm glad he did. I didn't know there'd be a movie submission for Pixel Day. It certainly worked out well.

I'm reminded of RationalWiki. They have goats on nearly every page of their website! They'd love this! Yes, it could have used more action, but a goat of immense power is always awesome. It reminds me of Moro.

I liked this, but I will admit there could have been more. I was just expecting it to be longer. It's still a good animation for what it is. I'll just always think of Bill Cipher with the eye of the Illuminati. "Gravity Falls" is just THAT good. It looked like something from SexualLobster.

It's a nice little short that I can still appreciate. It works so well on loop. I was interested in seeing where it went. I'm trying not to see how long a cartoon is. I want it to surprise me.

BoyPorcelain responds:

I get that i do, but I want to do more of these and not have to spend forever on making them longer, i'd rather have a cool concept and idea, animate it and bring it back to the start of the loop, the whole point of these after all is to just have fun animating. That way I can do way more of them and save my time for the bigger animated stuff that I really want to work on (like what I'm posting this weekend)! regardless though, thanks for the comment and I'm glad you liked it! :)

Wow, that was a very nicely animated cartoon. I love the technique. I couldn't tell who he was looking at. Was he looking at himself? Was the whole thing recursive? I thought it might be about weed.

Everything's about weed. These looked like sock puppets. It was an interesting spiritual cartoon. I can understand why it was ranked as experimental. I didn't know it would look this good.

Wow, I wasn't expecting something that good! I loved this because of how bizarre it was! There was truly a lot of creativity going on. My favorite part might have been at the restaurant. That customer was just so cool looking. I guess I could understand the plot.

The cartoon went through so many art shifts, I couldn't keep up with it! I didn't even realize the same guy was taking orders. It was all just so surreal. I'm certainly glad I saw it.

I have to admit that was really weird to just hear a song. I mean, it did have backgrounds. It's a good song. The backgrounds are nice too. I'm glad they changed. It was more like a long gif with sound.

I guess it was vaguely Sonic. I'm just really familiar with Sonic music. This sprite work is just close to those old games. You should still be proud of yourself. Anything this liked had effort put into it.

I admit that I didn't know which specific cartoon this was a parody of. It seemed a little like "Dexter's Laboratory". Whatever, it was enjoyable. It wasn't as good as the other ones. It didn't seem as much of a specific CN parody. I never liked that logo.

It still has good animation. It's nice to know we'll always have "Breaking Bad". You rarely see tributes to realistic shows. Well, the tributes aren't realistic. Cartoons really never are.

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