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This was really funny! I will admit I didn't quite like the Linus part. The cum bit was too random. Oh well, this was still awesome. I appreciate how great the animation was. There have been tons of "Peanuts" parodies over the years.

It's always nice to see Charlie Brown kick Lucy. I love how the very last joke. He deserved that. Why would Schroeder be out there in the middle of nowhere? He deserves to have his toy piano destroyed.

I was intrigued by this concept. I never played this game. It's mostly because, like you, I never knew how to play it. We weren't creative enough to come up with rules like that. These should be the official rules. I like not knowing how long the cartoon is.

That way, you don't know when it will end! I never even played these games with my own brother. Congratulations on your creativity. You know, this art style is kind of like "Cyanide And Happiness" too. It took me this long to realize that?

I honestly think the main reason for this show's existence is that horrible Apu documentary. They claimed to have wanted to promote diversity, but all they do is make terrible shows. It was also because of George Floyd. They changed voice actors because apparently the voices of cartoon characters make you kill people. No one cares who does the voice of a cartoon character. I know enough about the cartoon.

I've heard of a lot of other horrible jokes too. Scooby-Doo isn't even in this. It's probably all for the better. I hate this whole woke culture thing. It's probably the reason animation in the 2020s has been so horrible.

Wow, this was actually a very creative cartoon! I had no idea what I was in for at first. Yeah, we all know what it's like to have a refrigerator with old food. The blue guy looked like a Klay person! This was a unique style of animation. You gave these guys such personality.

You sure made this fridge "cool"! Yeah, that pun was awful. This cartoon wasn't! At least it got Daily 8th Place. Don't you forget!

Wow, it's great you released them all at once! I was kind of wondering why, but it's still interesting. I'm so glad to have come by these great cartoons. My favorite is still probably the eighth one. I already reviewed it! The million dollars one was great too.

The animation was great. I'm sorry, but I'm still reminded of "Cyanide And Happiness". It seems to have a similar sense of humor. It's still wonderful in its own right. You're great with expressions.

Wow, this was absolutely fantastic. The animation was incredible. There was a massive amount of detail put into each and every facial expression. This sounds like the name of a superhero. You know, like Professor Chaos. What an odd set of awards.

Three awards but no Daily Feature! Eh, you can draw my avatar if you want. Then again, it's already been done by Kirbopher. He blocked me from reviews and confused to sexual harassment, so you might do a better representation of me anyway. Wow, he aged well in a million years.

TheJayShow responds:

Ah thank you I really appreciate it

I was wondering why the score was so low. I now realize it's because it's incomplete. It's such a shame you weren't able to complete this. Well, at least we got half of something. Kirbopher worked on this? Thank God he wasn't credited.

Then he would be able to block me from reviewing his stuff. He even stopped me from reviewing something about my character Archy specifically! Anyway, this was still fun that you managed to make something out of it. I could never make anything like it at all. I'm glad it wasn't just action.

FlameZero responds:

Kirbopher only did the voice acting for Copy X. ;)
I'm glad you liked the movie and thanks for the review.

Again, a bit late for New Year! I did in fact enjoy this. I admit the story wasn't the most original. It was still something really different from you. You almost always make dark stuff. It wasn't as good as those.

I appreciate the animation. I don't quite understand the title. Yes, your darker stuff is better, but this is still nice. I like the underwater effects the most. I live near the beach.

Kol-Belov responds:

We have an "Old New Year" celebration, January 13-14 :)

Wow, you made me look up more on the Dragonball mythos. I thought I had known enough about that already. It certainly looks like a great movie! Now, as for this cartoon in particular, it's wonderful! It's great to see something longer from you. It's even an original joke.

Well, it's a joke for a brand new DBS parody! This would be effective as far as I know. I thought that was Vegeta's voice at first. It's great to see everyone in action. It's great to see you animate action.

This was the same animation style as "Cyanide And Happiness". I recognize that everywhere! With how dark it was, I wouldn't be surprised if it was made by them! It took me awhile to figure out who was who. I thought the employee was the customer at first. I'm glad it didn't get too graphic.

It didn't need to be in color. It was just a great little cartoon. You still put emotion in these simple looking characters. The voices fit too. It certainly works for what it is.

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