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Wow, I don't even remember these characters. It seems to be very cute. This deserves a great score because of how quaint it is. I know what it's like to be cold. A bit late for Christmas huh? I thought it would become something violent.

I really was interested in how it would turn out. That deer is so cute. It was almost kind of surreal. You just had no idea what would happen next. I really do think it counts as experimental!

Wow, this is probably the shortest cartoon ever featured on the front page! I mean, it's very nicely animated. It's just too short. I can't dislike this at all! You still can do something good in this short of a time. I mean, think of the Art Portal.

Those are just still images. As somewhat of a Zelda fan (you can tell from my avatar), this was quite good. I recognize this design. Everyone does. The backgrounds are great too.

DarqV responds:

I initially wasn't going to upload this to newgrounds for that exact reason, but was convinced otherwise by Tom Fulp himself. Perhaps there will be a newgrounds shorts type section in future with short loops like this?

I have to admit this was a bit underwhelming. I thought it would feature Goku rapping. Instead, it was just a cheap cut-out of Goku with Boyfriend turning Super Saiyan. That was really it. The animation with Boyfriend was pretty well done. It was just too standard.

I guess I'd never seen a FNF cartoon like that. That isn't necessarily good. I like how you call him the father of Shonen. He has been around a long time. Well, other people once again like it.

Now every Mario parody is going to remind me of the Mario movie. I love how you say in the title that it's real even though the author's comments say you made it up. You liar! Well, there were real Mario toys. Everything had a toy in the kid's meal! It makes you wonder why there aren't toys in adult meals.

Wait, that sounds incredibly dirty. This was gorgeously animated. It seemed real except for the Family Guy bit. Everyone knows that part. There really was good action here.

Yeah, that was a pretty good little cartoon. I thought the title made it look like "Entertainment Weekly". I've occasionally read that. It was funny how you had an actual poem at the end. I'm glad that didn't go on too long. You can make good motions.

Pil-Ze is a good character for that. Hey, he has the same voice as Foamy! Then again, all sped up voices really sound the same. I do rarely see poems anymore. Or hear them for that matter.

The animation was great. I knew he would ask something sexual. Well okay, it wasn't that sexual. I appreciated all the great animation. The voices were great too. I'm glad you bring up hero insurance.

That "Skull Crusher" at the end seemed quite random. I especially love the blue guy's voice. It sounds like there's static or something, which makes it unique. I'm glad this has a high score. At least it got tenth in the Weekly Top 10.

batstains responds:

SkullCrusher is Rudy and my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBZYUOis4sJmhXzeCbfpgrQ

I loved this because of how dirty it was! It actually was pretty appropriate for the series. Then again, everything has been done with this series! Or rather, this game. So much has been focused on their romance, it makes sense for something like this to happen. The voices are great too.

I remember that picture at 0:25 from "The Happytime Murders". I just heard it was bad. At 0:05, it seriously looks like a starfish. The art shifts were funny too. I learn so much about the player and girlfriend by not even playing the game.

Anything by you is awesome. I thought this was a game at first! I thought they would interact. I'm glad there was some more things going on with the second from bottom panel. It would make a good loading screen. It's interesting that this is based off of a drawing you made.

It seems to show how you can review a single image. Well, more of a gif. I truly would want to see this being made into a game. Red with black and white? I'm almost getting some Madness vibes from this.

This was good, but I didn't think it was great. I guess maybe because it was a bit too slow paced. I didn't find the characters as likeable as in the first installment. This was still very enjoyable. It was nice to see them again.

Your animation is as cute as ever. You keep up the story quite well. The ending was pretty good. More installments and it will get its own section! It's just a cute little cartoon.

Wow, for something only 5 seconds long, that was still awesome! Wait, did that rhyme? Anyway, there was so much going on in just 2 seconds. I am quite impressed. I got some character development out of Cassette Girl. She's quite fancy!

I know smoking isn't cool. The colors and shading were amazing! There was such great variety! I appreciate so much effort put into something so short. Maybe the best 5 second cartoon ever shown here. I don't normally rate them that high.

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