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A bit too short

The animation was pretty cool, even if it wasn't that creative.


This flash was great, even though I haven't seen the first one and don't know what's going on, it's still fantastic! I loved how it wasn't just a bunch of random violence everywhere (although the action scenes were great) but also how it really appealed to a person's emotional side. You could really get into the character's heads and feel what they were thinking and what they felt. And of course the animation is great. I look foward to the next chapter in this series!

Simply fantastic!

You are a great person who is exteremely devoted to his causes. I loved every second of this and was simply astonished anybody could actually make it. The creativity is simply unbelievable even though the design is fairly simple. I would have gone crazy if I'd tried to make this myself!

You really put a lot of your effort into your work just to entertain us and to truly make a work of art. Thank you!

Pretty original at least

While it was hard to understand what was going on, it was still a cool idea, I'll admit. I was surprised that this wasn't put in the Games section, as it well, kind of "is" a game, but I guess it's status in the flash section works just fine.

Decent flash

I don't believe I've ever watched one of these flashes of yours, but I would like to say it worked out pretty well. The jokes were pretty funny, and I'd have to say my favorite was the one at the end asking the sock puppet.

Not terrible

I liked how it started with an interesting design at least. I also liked seeing Matthew Lesko because it reminds me of the old days when there were animutations everywhere! I also thought the use of sprites was nice, as those are cool looking guys who are really underrated.

However, it looks like it took very little effort, but I've seen a lot worse.

Pretty watchable

Sticks certianly aren't the most original of ideas, but I did think that this worked out pretty well. Sure it was short, but I liked the showing of silly words every now and then and it's of course always nice just to throw in a little random sensless violence in your flash.

zedd56 responds:

Haha, thanks :)

"Sticks" Isn't an idea. It's a method of portraying your characters. The originality lies in what the sticks are doing and how they are doing it, not the sticks themselves.
Otherwise there wouldn't be entire animation communities based entirely on sticks. Decent stick animations are extremely hard to come by on newgrounds, which is why they have such a bad name.
When it comes down to it, stick animation (if done correctly) is most likely more difficult and takes more animation skill than most of the flashes you'll see on newgrounds.


Thanks again for the review. :D

Surprinsingly good!

When this animation started, I wasn't expecting much, due to the fact that nothing was really happening and I was wondering if there was some kind of error, like I didn't do something right, but then I kept watching and saw all the variety and good use of animation skills! All in all, quite impressive.

Voiceover responds:

Thanks, your critique is of high value.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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