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The original Power Star!

This was the first in the series and I do not think it was topped until the final one came out! Apart from having great graphics (you can move those sprites well!), it has a pretty serious storyline for a Mario flash (as Mario didn't have much of a plot to begin with). Great to look back at the fine thing you made!

Best so far!

This was my favorite in this fantastic series! Great to see Wonchop and thewax70 and the rest of the lesser-known writers. I can't believe Cypo didn't get top billing! He made the longest scene and the best (in my opinion!). I also loved the one where everyone keeps thinking the other guy is Sonic. I mean really, how many counterparts can Sonic have anyway? I managed to catch the first scene as a preview on YouTube. It was great to hear Rina-chan as Rouge also.

In conclusion, great work, great animation, great humor, great everything!

Great tune!

No one other than two of my favorite British flash artists, Wonchop and TheWeebl, could've pulled this thing off so well! I don't know much about narwhals, but they are really cool and I admit they are like underwater unicorns! Wonchop's goofy animation also really made it.

The sequel's finally here!

I started out watching your flash cartoons on your website, and I had no idea you'd put any of them on Newgrounds, but I'm glad to see you have! This had all the gore galore and random humor you could want in a movie! My favorite part was the thing about the gay judge. Acting stereotypically gay doesn't make you gay! My favorite flash you've put here!

Okay at best

This was too short and it didn't have much going for it. I liked the South Park-esque style, but the content just didn't do much for me.

I don't what to say

This is a very unusual flash, but I will say I liked the art shift and the ending with the random stick figure and violence! The eyes were cool and funny at least. Wish I knew what was going on.

Great as usual

Well, the voice work and especially the animation (boobs!) was awesome as usual, but I don't know, I just think this went on a bit too long. I'm not that used to seeing this kind of silly humor go on for that long. Nonetheless, it was still great, and had everything you'd expect from a flash by Egoraptor!

Not good, but not terrible

Looking back at flashes in 2001, this was actually fairly high quality for those days. The animation was kind of cool, but there needed to more going on. I'll give it this just because the old graphics gave me a nostalgic feeling.

Nice parody

I'm sorry you're not going to make Bowser's Kindgom anymore, but at least you were nice enough to leave us with a good parody of Smash Kingdom! By the way, Sonic would beat Mario and Luigi if he was in Super Mode, anyway. Of course, if Mario used an invincible star, hmm....

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