View Profile Ericho

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Too short

It was good (as always) to hear Rina-chan's voice, but it was too short. I thought the Falcon punch was the more well-known meme?

Zombie-Pimp responds:

lol somebody has a crush


Seeing a flash with this title, I wasn't expecting much, but it turned out to be great! The songs were well composed, and the animation was great. Too bad I can't even remember what happened in the original flash! I liked the "Bug's Life" reference, as I thought that was a good moral, not to sound too sappy.

I also liked the sequel hook at the end, I wonder who that voice belonged to...

Good animation

It may have been short, but the animation was great, and it was pretty cool to see a melting snowman become scary.

Pretty crude

That was pretty dirty, but, I don't know, something about it just sort of appealed to me. Maybe it was the cheesy graphics and use of visuals.

Binyom responds:

There is a pervert in all of us!
Thanks for the review.

Not terrible

It's not the worst thing I"ve ever seen, but it needed to be longer.

Then again, the only reason I'm writing this review is because you respond to all your reviews and I like to see reponses! Sorry if that sounds hypocritical.

Really good

The Shadow and Rouge sprites were done very well, and it was a pretty cool idea, not to mention that the ending sort of left for us to decide as to what ereally happened.

Not bad

The jokes were pretty funny, although the animation could've been better.


Thanks man, but it's an old one, even though my new animations are not so improved, this one is the first I was really happy with.

Thanks for the review, hope to see you reviewing again! :)

Could it not be great?

How could a flash that was worked on by squeakytoad, AlmightyHans, eddsworld, and RWappin get anything but a ten from me? This is perhaps the biggest all star cast of collaborators on a single flash, and I'm glad to say it certainly lives up to it!

Ah, the original

While no longer my favorite entry in the series (steps 4 and 5 surpass it) it's still a great flash. Despite not understanding the lyrics, this was a great music video. The animation is great as it always was. I had no clue there would be any sequels to this, but this is so cute and sweet you just had to make more. Now that I've seen all the entries in this series, I can say a job well done.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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