View Profile Ericho

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306 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Not bad

Although it didn't have a story, the animation was good and it was pretty unique. Man, when I first saw the picture, I thought it was going to be porn or something! Glad to know, that, as I watch this at my colllege, I won't have to worry about it not being safe for work!

Worth the wait

Zelda's deadpan humor made this the best entry in this series by far. Of course, being Ericho from TTA (look at my profile), I would probably have a soft spot for Legend Of Zelda flashes that Rina-chan worked on!

Not the best, but still good...

While some of the sequences were a bit too long, this was still well done. The overly cute animation saved it, not to mention that song, of course.

Better than the first ones

This was more watchable than the previous ones, as I think this may be the first one I saw the whole way through. One complaint is that this premise is somewhat strange. You talk about the comments people make on ''your'' website, yet why do you post it on this site if there's comments on this site too?! All I'm saying is that it would be nice if you could respond to a comment or two here, and maybe have like a time where you pick one (or how many you want) comments made on ''this'' website.

Klimdeeni responds:

two reasons
1. to get people to come to our site
2. i post these on several sites. I'm not going to take posts from all of them cuz it will take forever

glad they're getting easier to watch

A bit too short

While this was pretty short, I wasn't expecting you to make a Christmas flash. All in all, it was good, as the animation was great as always.

Your best yet

I'm going to admit, I always look at the highest rated flashes/games on the first page. A lot of yours went under this category. While a lot of your flashes were great, I was just ''waiting'' to see one that I could give a full-fledged 10/5 vote on it. And you made it! This is great, especially the 17-year-old vampire bit. I now consider you one of my favorite authors!

Bobert-Rob responds:

Awesome, glad to be of service, Eric. I do try my best with most of the things I do. Most.

Not that bad

While I knew it was going to be a loop, I wasn't expecting much, but the art style was unique! Not a classic, but quite watchable.

Not that flashy, but still

Okay, okay, maybe this flash didn't have a lot of flashy effects and it was short, but I admit it was still funny and it sent a good message about those annoying screamers. What the heck, I liked it.

WonkyTonkBotty responds:


Good, but not ''that'' good

Okay, I thought that this was pretty funny, and it was ironic, but I don't think it should be number one on this site! But back to the positive side, this had original animation and concepts, and it was good for your first flash.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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