View Profile Ericho

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306 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Great comedy

This is some of the best comedy I have ever seen. There was so many pop culture references, yet they were all relevant to the story! It was fifteen minutes long, but never let down for a second! The animation was probably intentionally cheesy, but the good humor certainly made up for it. My favorite part was probably the Matrix parody, but it was all so great!

Always loved

I always loved this song, especially the end! In addition to the great song, the animation was very fluid and well done.

Kind of sad

It's kind of sad to see a lot of older flashes, because they look so bad compared to modern times. I mean, if you look at the portal listings, everything in the top 500 or so are submissions in the past three or four years. I was never a big fan of works like these, but I will say that you get a lot better later on, so good for you!

Great entry

Ah, better than the last one. I was really waiting for the villains to show up. It's nice to see a good parody after I sat through the horrible mess that was "Disaster Movie". In case you didn't see it, DM was the worst movie ever, not just because it was stupid, but because it didn't even parody what it was supposed to. I just don't understand it how directors of parody movies are simply idiots, and yet humor on the Internet is just made by geeks by laughs...and yet it's infinitely funnier. What kind of world do we live in anyway?

Great movie

What can I say? You did it again! This was the first (of only three) episodes with audio dialogue, and I salute you for making it that more memorable!

Better than the original

The religious jokes were the funniest. This managed to be even better than the first.

Me again

This one was good, but not as good as the other Parody Rangers series. I guess it just ended kind of abruptly. Anyway, it's me, Ericho again, and the animation/voice work is as good as ever! I can't wait for the rest.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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