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This is a really good collab! I admit to not being interested at first, but it definitely got better. I thought this would be about this other song called "Don't stop". I think it goes, "Don't stop, don't stop the beat". I know little else about it. The best was MRat.

He just had the most stylish and most detailed. The weakest part was probably the song itself. I haven't heard of it before. I guess zombies aren't mainstream to have mainstream songs. Wait, duh Thriller!

I feel bad for not reading the original version of "The Hobbit". Well, I saw this old cartoon version and all the movies in the recent series. Yes, they're not as good as "The Lord Of The Rings". I still really enjoyed this. I am so proud of myself that I recognized Tom Bombadil! You did the same thing the movie creators did.

They split it into a three part series! It's great to see characters like Gandalf. They weren't in your other series. I especially love the setup. Sauron looks better animated than ever!

You just never cease to amaze me. You continually make great cartoon after great cartoon in the same series. I think this may be the highest rated thing you've ever done. It has a 4.55! You certainly deserve it. The jokes just keep coming and are funnier and more insane as we go on.

I thought it was kind of weird to have a robot in the series. It turns out it wasn't real or something. I love the use of "The Wizard Of Oz" jokes. I now understand all they all connect! I just love it when jokes keep building up on themselves. As always, lots of fun.

The animation in this looked quite bad. These two guys even looked mostly the same. Why did they have the exact same clothes? It just shows a lack of creativity. I knew I would lose no matter what. At least I had different ways to die.

The best part was seeing those facts. My favorite was the ghost one. Sadly, this is sort of old news, especially seeing as how Chuck Norris is anti-gay. I guess it was fine for something really short. It just did nothing for me.

I thought this was quite fun. My only complaint was that you didn't use a good format. It was hard to see everything going on. I guess it was supposed to be all a dream, or was it? While not that original, the colors were great. It's nice how someone helped you with this.

I especially like her costume. It's cool to see that giant monster get all that damage. It was technically a music video. A lot more flashes are those things than most people would think. The animation is quite fluid.

Okay, I admit it does remind me of Knox's stuff a lot. It's something about the violence. The voices could probably be better. Then again, his weren't that good. The animation is fairly nice. I wasn't expecting that song.

I really should look at the author's comments before watching. Eh, this isn't the website for reading. This was pretty catchy. I think dentists actually were once surgeons. They just narrowed their practice down.

I was very impressed by this. I think it might be your best submission yet. Then again, you did have a lot of help with this one. Doomshock is one of my favorite authors. It seems like I've been looking at him a lot recently. I really liked seeing the Madness guy.

I knew you wouldn't be the person who would draw them. It just didn't seem your style. I really do like this song. It's hard to wrong with something so happy. Pilot was the band's name?

I feel bad about watching this and not being able to name all the "Street Fighter" characters. Then again, I really did grow up with "Mortal Kombat". I don't recognize Mustapha or Urien. I knew Gill, but not his name. This was a little boring at first. It ended up being a lot of fun as it went on.

I'm glad it wasn't just one fight. The best part was probably when Liu Kang turned into a dragon. The sprite work is done beautifully. It just isn't standard nowadays. It would have been more appropriate to call it "Street Fighter Vs Mortal Kombat" but that's a bit too predictable.

This reminded me of a series by Hotdiggedydemon. Even the animation seemed similar. I guess it reminded me of "Invader Zim", a classic show. The voices are really nice. It helps that these characters are so much fun. It's great how you waited so long to make a sequel.

Kimbles even reminds me of Gir. I loved seeing some other Newgrounds characters in the stand. I am glad I didn't know Blockhead was in this. Wow, it was even featured in the collection! The animation's nice too.

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