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Eh, not terrible

The animation in this was alright, but the main fault was that it did not have that much uniqueness to it. I did find it better than a lot of some other stuff because the part where the bird snatches the worm is really good. I don't think I have ever seen a bird do something like that. It seemed like you were getting a little cliched with the wise man thing. I do not understand how this was supposed to be funny. While the lesson was a good one, it seems like it's the kind of lesson that has been done many times before.

This was good in that the background was in very good use. I liked how the worm's cartoonish design contrasted with the realistic background. That apple reminds me of how I have eaten everything from Christmas except a single apple! It has been a long time since I have heard about a worm appearing in an apple. The characters need to have some more depth to make the submission out of the ordinary.

I'm a ball?

I guess you were just trying to make something really simple, but it did not work well because so little was actually happening. It was just these shapes talking. Oh wait, were you trying to get into the shape meme of cartoons here? Whatever your intention was, there needs to be a lot more action going on and many more jokes. Seeing as how this was "experimental" I guess it wasn't supposed to make any sense. Congradulations on working on your first independent cartoon, I suppose.

The only good part about this were that the lines were drawn pretty well. It was far too short and needed to have far more going on. I guess it works as a test but you should know that on this website it is generally not polite to submit things that are simply tests. Too bad you did not win the Underdog Of The Week award. Have more going on with more jokes for a higher score!

doppler73 responds:

Let me guess, I'm a Ball 2?

Also, FYI, doppler14 did the voices.

Mildly entertaining

Woah, I had no idea there was another Clock holiday called Pirate Day or AntiClock Day! That being said, this was fairly mediocre because it had a lot of characters but they did not do much. I like how you used the fat Sephiroth as a symbol for the gay clocks. One thing I'm wondering, if they're all gay men, why not throw in some women to make it straight? Anyway, this was as goofy as any other Clock Crew flash. I was expecting something more about religion granted your clock name.

Some of it was lazy, like how the one yellow clock just randomly flew himself around the screen. There were some good ideas like the sword shaped like a penis. As random as this thing was, it did manage to have more of a plot than other clock stuff. The animation in the intro looked so good! I really wish you would have used that for the entire thing!


I think this footage may in fact be from the first Japanese Godzilla movie. That is known for being the best in the entire series. Normally, I am not a fan of these submissions where it's basically one short joke, but this was an exception. In fact, the only thing that kept me from liking it more was that you did not put in the Shoop Da Whoop sound! It is great to see footage from a classic Godzilla movie. It is also neat how you included a list of all the other flash cartoons you have made.

Sometimes it is not enough to just mention them, but also show screenshots of them! It's hard to say more, because this really works well in how brief it is. The footage itself just looks so good and in no way campy or cheesy. That atomic bomb scene is pretty popular, isn't it? This is funny because Godzilla himself is supposed to be a metaphor for the atomic bomb.

Psychopath responds:

No it's not, it's from the first one made in the '90's; specifically, it was Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah [1991]. The first Godzilla movie was made in the fucking '50's and was in black and white.


For a momen there, I thought you were going to make a joke about pea soup. I simply love this cartoon and think it is one of your best. This is probably because you guys just make fun of yourselves so much. Like, what are these guys doing in a house doing all these disgusting things and why would any of them ever want to drink pee in the first place? The funniest part was probably when the black man turned into a realistic woman with a sandwich. The part with the dancing naked people was great too.

Farts and poop are always funny when you randomly put them in stuff. It was also a treat to see everything going in reverse back to the guy who was sucking the woman sandwich or whatever. The animation is as great as ever. Even the joke parts of it with the second naked guy were well done. Thank you guys for having such a great time with yourselves and never losing your goofy sides.


I have to admit that it was really cool to see an ending where the poop went back into his anus. From what I heard, you actually do crap your pants after you die although that dog wasn't wearing pants anyway. The sad thing is that the dog would have crapped over everything regardless of what he had done. The animation was pretty good. There could have been some more action and more jokes. It still does a good job of delivering what you would expect in a cartoon about a dog not taking a crap.

It seemed like you were going for a Ren And Stimpy angle with how you were exagerrating the body movements. There was little time for personality other than that this guy doesn't like crap. The closeup of the dog's anus was a bit unnecessary. While not great, this is worth watching if only for the rewinding part at the end. It could perhaps use some better shading.

You too

I guess it's kind of silly to review something for someone's birthday after it's been so long. I am sure Tord enjoyed it (boy is that a weird name). The best thing about this is that you used that awesome song and no, I do not know who wrote it either. The one bad thing was that it was kind of jarring to see everything in black and white. Still, there were tons of great things like the random guy in "Scanners" or the zombie at the end. The Monty Python music was pretty funny at the end, too.

Walt Disney freezing himself is an urban legend, but Ted Williams did in fact freeze himself? I guess it's hard to find things that rhyme with Williams. While not the best animation, you still managed to really try to give your characters depth in the little time they had. The drawings themselves were very good. Gee, it's kind of sad knowing that he's now about five years closer to death.

There was good and bad

The good thing about this was that it was so amazingly non-sequitor. I had no idea who half the characters were or what they were doing. I do know that Mao Zedong is so famous that he should be in a lot more Newgrounds submissions! The cat was probably the best character and I liked the way the little ticker things stood out. They're the parts of the clock that moves (I think they're called the hands). It definitley had creative and an unexpected conclusion.

I did, however, not like it how the sound just seemed so off. I could not really understand what any of these characters were trying to say. I guess as it is supposed to be goofy it does not really matter. There was definitley some swearing in there. Improve on that and maybe add some more humor all around and you guys could make it better.

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