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There was good and bad

The good thing about this was that it was so amazingly non-sequitor. I had no idea who half the characters were or what they were doing. I do know that Mao Zedong is so famous that he should be in a lot more Newgrounds submissions! The cat was probably the best character and I liked the way the little ticker things stood out. They're the parts of the clock that moves (I think they're called the hands). It definitley had creative and an unexpected conclusion.

I did, however, not like it how the sound just seemed so off. I could not really understand what any of these characters were trying to say. I guess as it is supposed to be goofy it does not really matter. There was definitley some swearing in there. Improve on that and maybe add some more humor all around and you guys could make it better.

Now that was crazy

Nearly everything you guys work on seems to at least get a rating of over 4.00. This had a lower rating than that, but it still managed to be really good. I was thinking that you were going to reference the "F*cking Magnets, How Do They Work?" meme. This was great to watch because it was completely random. Were the birds going to pluck out the giant breasts or were they going for the crabs or whatever the other things were? You guys have a great spirit about how silly you are.

You had no idea what was going to happen next. Seriously, if you thought that dropping magnets down a toilet resulted in breasts appearing in this cartoon, I would have called you crazy. It seemed as though the water seemed to be going away at first. I then realized I should focus my attention on the much bigger thing of the boobs everywhere. Thank you for making this short, but sweet.

DestructoBox responds:

While it's actually a lake full of dead fish, the idea of a boob lake is very intriguing.

Thanks for the review

No award?

This is a great cartoon because it is a great commentary on nostalgia and its place in our minds. In fact, I was just watching some stuff featuring the "Nostalgia" Critic right now! Anyway, what's impressive is that while this did not have a lot of action, it had great animation. Every single room and object is well detailed. I expect nothing less from two of the greatest animators on this website! The funniest part was definitley when CatFace looked through his photo album and saw all those funny pictures.

He's hilarious with an afro, you know? The part with the old timey Cat Face featuring TrunkCat was well done as well. I think that CatFace's advice at the end was probably the best that he has ever given. I love the look he gets in his eyes when he opens one of the boxes. I wouldn't mind having a Wampa thing myself.


I could have sworn that I saw this before, but maybe it was just a demo or something. This was really cool to watch because it had a great sense of adventure and action. The animation really made it. While it was not the most original of ideas, it still had a lot of things going for it. As there is no dialogue, you are really allowed to let the action do the talking and in something driven by good animation, that really works. The best part is probably when she fires that white ball at the chamber thing.

I really have no clue at all what is going on in this cartoon, but niether do I in a lot of other ones. The animation style was authentic and there was so much detail put into it. This was also a great use of colors and shading as everything looked so unique. Now that I think about it, I think I have in fact heard of that graphic novel before. While not that long, it manages to be really cool and fun.

danomano65 responds:

Hey thanks for the review. You put a lot of thought into it.

Guess who?

Well, it's great to see that you have once again shown up on the most popular list of voted stuff here. It is absolutely AMAZING that you did this all without winning a single award. What is wrong with these people? I guess their opinion just got better as it went along. This had fantastic animation especially Kagemorou merged with Kirbopher, or merged with yourself should I say. I loved the animation especially with how the characters showed their expressions.

This is probably going to be the only time I ever see myself with dialogue in this series. I wish I could have gotten a microphone before to at least record some dialogue. It makes me wish you could have made the rest of the series like this. This series did manage to be absolutely fantastic and I was so glad to be a part of it! It is so weird to look back and see that you originally worked on entirely serious stuff!

Fairly nice

At first, I thought this was a fighting game because it certainly seemed like it was nice. The best part about this was that the animation was really good. I especially like the background with all those paintings. Granted, they really had nothing to do with the theme of the cartoon but they are still nice to look at. It also took a little bit to realize that it started on its own as one complaint would be that it did take awhile to load. Anyway, this was great fun to see these robots fight each other.

I have no clue who the robot besides Bender is or if he's supposed to be an original character. I suggest you turn this into a game because it definitley has potential. While a little short, it still does a good job of delivering the goods. Many of the animation styles seem to contrast with each other in simple appearance. This was an enjoyable cartoon to watch and you obviously have some talent.

DoomedChi responds:

Thank you

It does have love

There is quite a lot going on, so it is a bit difficult to keep up with everything going on. The animation was normally good, but it did have some weak spots. The worst part was probably how some of the characters just really moved around in a goofy fashion. Then again, maybe that was part of the joke. It was nice to put in all that music, although for some reason I did not really notice it. The best part about this was that the characters were still well designed and they had good moments of character establishment.

It is also hard to follow because I am not that familiar with this series. The funniest part was probably when the monkey masturbated. It almost went on a bit too long and I actually agreed with what the villian said about making it go on. This was still good because it was great to see all the little cameos like Master Chief. It has a true sense of spirit because the characters do have a lot of emotion and all with distinct voices.

Best in the series!

Every single one of these Destructo Box cartoons gets featured or highly rated one time or another. I knew that eventually I would find one that I had a give a perfect 10/10. This was fantastic because it worked well with so many gags. I laughed out loud when the second guy did such a bad job of peeing to make a halo. He provides the best comedy, as he also was the one who mentioned popsicles made of pee. The animation was absolutely fantastic and it reminds me of the stuff by Appsro.

Do you guys maybe use some different kind of flash program to animate? Your stuff just looks so brilliant and stands out from everything else! Another thing I liked was how this was one of the longest in the series. I like things that are longer because you get to hear a lot of jokes and not just one punchline. Keep up the good work with these great cartoons and let me say you invented carrot nipples.

I don't care

The funniest thing is that this was submitted on Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday! Hey, are you saying we shouldn't care about MLKJ? How racist of you people! Seriously, this was a good flash and it was funny to see Andrew Kepple contribute to something that he did not fully work on. The most enjoyable part of this was probably the nurse's bouncing bosoms. After awhile, she realized she had to relish in what she had to be thankful for and simply strip down to her underwear and run around.

I would do the same if I was a woman with that body. I knew the woman in the burning building was not going to care or at least show something off. The animation was good, especially with how the heads exploded or cracked open or whatever. The graphics with the green letters were pretty cool, too. Now, there is really not that much that is great about this, but the good outweighs the bad.

You have to be a fan

I am going to admit right now that I am not a fan of the movie "Napoleon Dynamite". That being said, I can not hate this because I thought this was actually a really good tribute to the movie. The best thing was probably seeing the dang quesadila in a pear tree. The thing I did really not like was how it was just the same picture. Yes, you put in some okay graphics, but it still did not look like much. It is hard to talk about improving because every fan of the movie should enjoy it, so you are loyal to the movie.

I thought this was going to be a game at first because of the "Steaming Bull Games" logo. It is now fairly hard for me to imagine what a game like this would be. I do hope you had a very Merry Christmas as I certainly did. We are just taking the rest of the ornaments down as I type these words. At least the color used in this (and the movie, I guess) was pretty good.

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