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Lots of fun

This was a really fun thing to watch because it just had such a fantastic way of appealing to its audience. While not one of my favorite nostalgic shows, "Tale Spin" had a great theme song. Of course, it seems like every nostalgic show had a great theme song. In case you think of ending this prematurely, take note that this is NOT a loop and it does in fact have an end at about three minutes, I think. Only devotees will notice that. I think this might have been ripped off by the Duck Division.

The only thing I did not like was the blank background. It was probably part of the appeal seeing as how the duck itself was drawn in a pretty simple way. I guess it is sometimes hard for me to get used to watching things that have "spin" at the end of their name, if you know what I mean. I love Piloswine's random appearance. You have done the Clock Crew good by creating this and it deserved its front page.

Lemon Demon?

It just seems strange for someone else to be submitting a Lemon Demon song, but this was still good. The best part about it was how unpredictable it was. The coolest part was definitley the kids from "A Charlie Brown Christmas" dancing. This is my all-time favorite Christmas movie so it is great to see a tribute to it. I did not even recognize Neil's voice in this at first. The animation was okay, but I felt like it could have been better with more colors.

The best example of good animation was probably the pixellated Earth with the moon orbiting it. There were a lot of unexpected cameos in this. You might have missed seeing Geodude as one of the rocks that falls on the guy. While not the greatest song, it still has a good beat and I could tell there was heart put into this. You would think I would be aware of every Lemon Demon song made.


I highly doubt you guys will ever lose your touch of creating flashes that are not good. I could not understand this one at all. The funny thing is that I was actually just thinking about someone's real father before I watched this. I do not understand how discovering who your father is is supposed to be a look at extreme. I guess that like most of the other stuff you guys have worked on, it's simply nonsensical and has no real meaning. The only funny part was hearing the chipmunk voice.

Next time, I suggest that each of you try to work on something to contribute to this. I always find it strange how so many people are billed when I do not know how you all contributed to it. It is still funny to recognize every one of you guys. You do have a fairly good intro to your stuff or at least better than a lot of other things. I do like cats, by the way.

It's decent

A lot of people have spoofed the stuff in "Dragonball Z" but it's the sort of thing that just never gets old. I felt that this went on a little too long just like an episode of the show itself! It was great how you apologized to me for sitting all the way through. I do wish that the animation was as good as what I saw on the loading screen! I can of course tell it was not intended to be anything that well animated, just a parody. You did a pretty accurate represenation of the episodes.

The best part was probably how you mentioned the other characters being useless. Dragonball Z just has that to a ridiculous extent with no one but the Saiyans getting any good shots on. Vegeta's role is pretty much a good example here. He always complained about not being the strongest, yet every other character couldn't even do anything useful! I like the visual puns, especially the "but/butt".

A bit compelling

I have not gotten much into the series, so it is hard to judge how good it is in terms of storyline. There were a lot of good and bad things about this. The best thing was that the dialogue was actually pretty compelling and it did a good job of making you feel for the characters. The downsides were that the voice acting did seem a little off. It seemed like some of the actors were too close to the microphone or something. The voices were still great as this has got to be one of the largest casts I have ever seen.

I am surprised this did not get more views as there were simply so many people who worked on it. It seems to be more proper to just list the actors who were in the episode. The animation did seem a bit off too. The way the blood flowed from his mouth seemed a little contrasting to the better animation style. This series definitley has potential, just put in some more action and maybe a bit longer for more character development.


I had no idea that a cartoon with a bunch of blood could be "cute" but this was. When I think of old Westerns, I generally do not think of silent films. I was glad, however, to find out that you also played great homage to the idea of really early movies. This was cool to watch because I was expecting it to get really graphic, but it actually was not. Sure, it did get bad awhile ago but I was expecting some big gory joke. I was thinking that Pico was going to be too late to save Nene.

This makes you beckon back for the old days. Granted, I was born in 1989, so I never really watched movies like that in theaters nor did really anybody who was alive. It was nothing that elaborate, but it works because it tries to be simple. I think the funniest part was when the Uberkids were shot into their graves. It was not the most innovative of cartoons but it was worth a view.

It is okay

It is nice that you put more effort into a Clock Day flash than a lot of other people did. It was cool to include that description because that is really all you need to know about it. At first, I thought you were going to use the Boo guys from the Mario games. It's cool how you used the legendary Missingno from the pokemon games. For those of you who do not know, Missingno is not a pokemon, but a glitch in the system. That by itself is a pretty haunting feeling.

It was a pretty appropriate choice of music as it did turn out to be spooky. I am going to assume that this simply never ends. The background was nice and it did work well as an experimental flash. I do, however, usually want more in a submission so next time you could just put in some more action and stuff. It is pretty spooky at first, but does get repetitive as you kind of want more to happen.

S is for suicide!

I like how you made this new thing of asking for support of your work. The old thing of asking people if they liked cartoons they just saw was getting kind of old. This was really funny because it went through the whole song, er, kind of. I was expecting him to just break down when he got past "C" but he actually went through everything. You used a great example of contrasting in tone because he went back to his cheerful tone. The blood at the end was really well animated and seemed to jump out on the screen.

It's the kind of dimension that shows that you do not need to make something 3D to show something great. The animation by itself is still fantastic with how it works in shades. This is about as close as you could get to looking like CGI while still showing 2D representations. The voice is extremely suiting. While I could tell that something bad was going to happen in the song, it was still executed very nicely.

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