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I don't like how we're left hanging. From the last episode, it seemed like this would be concluded now. It was weird as watching this, I knew you couldn't just end it all here. It's nice to have this great animation as usual. It was a bit too talky.

At least it was a climax for this part of the series. Maybe I wasn't invested into the story that much. Again, it's hard to follow. The story is still great to look at. It certainly has heart.

This should have more views. I mean, it has a lot of reviews! I guess some people just thought it was pointless. I still liked it, even though it's far from one of your best things. I do agree that it didn't have that much point. I still enjoyed it, because it was fun to look at.

It's always nice to have experimental stuff here. Granted, there has to be stuff going on. There certainly was here. It was weird to hear this song without any words. I guess it's mostly left up to our own interpretations.

It's great to acknowledge your birthday. I turned 26 awhile ago. I don't have enough money to really support you. I still appreciate this because of how personal it is. Did you make this song up? I guess after a certain age it doesn't really matter how old you are.

Those are actually some pretty encouraging words. Yes, I noticed these cartoons are indeed becoming more cynical. You get less offended as you get older. The dot eyes remind me of "Adventure Time". I know they've always looked like that, but I just thought of it now.

This wasn't bad comedy. I thought the animation was pretty good. It might have used some dialogue. Well, it had one line I suppose. It didn't seem to be enough for a full cartoon. I am glad Saruman appeared.

It was pretty unpredictable. I just don't think it added up to anything that good. It was fine for what it was. I can see why this has so few views. It's not noteworthy.

It's too bad there's only one more episode. I am glad I know Kendrick's name. Lion is really great in this. I just love seeing him escape from those devices. I thought that bullet was going pretty slow. It was instead another trap thing.

The animation is as good as ever. It does feel a lot like "Sin City" with the comic book style. Granted, I've never read it. It seems like the loading time is long. It's probably just something with my laptop.

Lion reminded me of Marv from "Sin City". I guess it's just the head structure. Then again, this whole cartoon reminded me of Sin City. I am glad to pay enough attention to know the characters' names. It's still hard to follow from the previous episodes. This was definitely good.

There's just a lot going on, but never too much. The pacing is great. I like all the fine details put in the drawings. The style is just really nice. I think you're doing better with the length as well.

This wasn't bad, but it wasn't really good. I thought the animation was good. This was just too short. I guess I understand what you're saying. I haven't played either games. I was just expecting more.

It just seems like this would work better as part of a collab. Well, you could make your own compilation of course. I liked the colors. The one joke actually was pretty funny. It was still just one joke.

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Age 35, Male

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Joined on 9/21/08

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