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I lose track of the months these cartoons were released. I just loved this because the animation was amazing! I appreciate how fast paced it is. At first, I was disappointed to find out it didn't have monsters in it. It actually did later! I'm glad it lived up to its name.

I just love how rough everything is. It fits the atmosphere very well. I especially love the vamp frog. The music was nice and appropriate. Wow, they made tablets for $40?

I wasn't impressed by this that much. I guess the animation wasn't bad, but it was still seemed weak. I couldn't understand a lot of the dialogue. I didn't bother turning up the volume. It was just nothing memorable. I did like how it was a bit unpredictable.

This didn't make me cheer up. Um, Happy Mother's Day? This was just too bland. There is little to say about it. The lip synch wasn't good.

This was quite good! I wish you would make more cartoons. It seems like all my favorite creators have left. Yep, you gotta have blue hair! The music was really nice. I'm not sure if he died of natural causes at the end.

Oh duh, his death was caused by pollution. The guns looked really cool. The action was pretty unique. I think it was pretty unique for your cartoons. I still recognize your style.

There was nothing wrong with this cartoon. The problem was there was nothing really that right about it either. I wish you had explained more what was going on. It's pretty cute. It might be a little too cute and too flashy. The sounds were nice.

It seemed like this was a remake of "The Nutcracker". You know, with the Rat King and all. I guess it had good cartoonish antics. It's just nothing really memorable. It's just not good enough to recommend.

I feel bad for not being more familiar with this series. It's great whatever it is. The artwork is just so good. It's great to have all this sweet action. I thought Kain would say the same thing as the other guy. I'm glad he has a name that he's aware of.

The voices were really nice. They fit the situation well and showed real emphasis. I liked this letterbox format. That's what it's called, right? It makes it feel like a cinematic film.

I just loved this! It's mostly because it's great how you make light of these serious situations. It's a little short, but it is supposed to be an ad. The artwork was really good. Hey, this was featured in "All NG Fads Die!". This might be the least popular thing I've seen there.

That's not an insult. I'm just impressed by how people are aware of it. Bikinis are always awesome. It's great to have such style. What about the Air Force?

I think this is probably my favorite entry in this year's Pico Day. Granted, I still haven't seen that many. I appreciated how good the animation was. I really rooted for Pico in the end. Wasn't he just making a dick joke? I guess showing your dick isn't the same thing.

I always feel bad for a lot of bad flashes that make it here. Well, the people have spoken! I think illwillpress has done some good stuff. I still want to mock him. This had a great story.

This wasn't bad, but still not quite enough to recommend. It was just weird seeing as how the story seemed off. Why are all these guys perverts? I don't remember if that's the same guy from the other entry. Omahdon is as good as ever. I think this had an interesting story.

It was just a little too long. It seemed to be overly complicated. By no means is it bad. I can recognize your animation style. It was quite interesting.

Aww, I was disappointed I couldn't click on Natalie's boobs. Her clothes are skimpier than usual! This really did play like a walkthrough of one of your games. It wasn't quite as enjoyable, though. I just love how there's so much stuff going on. The constant "Pokemon" and "Final Fantasy" references are awesome!

Longcat probably made this or should I say longcats. I mean as in he made this good. The music was as wonderful as ever. I just loved seeing the Moogle bounce around. I hope you had as much fun making it as we did watching it.

It's hard to not like anything Weird Al makes. I just thought it wasn't the best. There should have been more detail. I just expect Weird Al music videos to have more going on. I especially like the "farty pants" joke. Again, you didn't come up with it.

I also really like that bit at the beginning. It's funny how the first line is the same as the original song. I remember the parody, "It's Bloody Cold". This song's parodied a lot, I guess? The lines need to be better.

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