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Wow, that was so long. I admit I've forgotten nearly all the jokes in the original cartoons. This was still awesome to watch. Quick way to get into the Zelda collection! Well, it's only to be expected. I'm so impressed by the animation.

I mean, it's still goofy but it's beautiful! I always appreciate someone who can do that. I liked the references to the other Zelda games. I haven't even played most of those! Zelda's just such a big part of pop culture I recognize the characters.

Aww, I feel bad for not seeing this earlier. These are usually so popular I see them before they win Daily Feature. Whatever, this was still great. I wasn't expecting this to be a series. Not that I'm complaining. Loved the Steven Seagal joke.

You really now how to detail nipples. You'll never run out of idea, will you? The length was pretty hard. That actually sounds kind of dirty. Really, anything can.

Wow, for something short this has a very high rating! You deserve credit for that! I admit I personally didn't think it was that great. I mean, it had no plot. Unless you define plot like...that. Still, the animation is nice.

It's fine for something very short. I guess I'm just not that attracted to these characters. Yeah, I'm like that. Well, at least I don't watch Rule 34! Most of the time.

For something short, that was great! I still don't know how that would work. Were they sent back to the place where they died at? I guess the people falling would be people who died in airplanes. It was weird to not have any of the Avengers in this! That actually did work out in a strange way.

There should be a superhero section here. Maybe a Marvel Cinematic Universe section? I haven't seen the movie. I don't care. I just want to watch ever other popular thing as it comes out.

Ha, I loved this! I remember back when everyone was talking about Michael Jackson. Then he died and the jokes went away. Then we found out Bill Cosby was much worse. Then we found out a ton of celebrities were awful. Now Jackson has had over twice as many accusers as he used to!

I guess we're back to where we started. Your animation style is so great. Well, it also uses live-action. I think that's okay. I'm sure you'll win Daily Feature.

I should have known this would win Daily Feature. It was only recommended for me because Krinkels' name was attached to it. He must be everywhere! At first, I was thinking that it was nowhere near Madness Day. Then I remembered you can make Madness stuff all year! Just weird to see a collab like that.

I liked these big eyed monsters. I couldn't really understand where they came from. It's just some new design for me. I don't know any of the people who worked on this. I always like to find out about new talented people!

thece responds:

full fact,it suppose to be release in Madness day 2017

Yes, I love "Epic Battle Fantasy"! The fourth one drove me insane with the plant boss. I just can't beat him! Anyway, I was a little disappointed that this didn't have a lot of movement. It was usually just images. It's still awesome!

How does this series not have its own section? I loved the platformers too. You can just go anywhere with these great characters! You're right. It WAS a little hard to understand the lyrics.

Oh, that was hilarious. No, I haven't seen the movie yet either. I'm poor, so I can't really even afford tickets. I was impressed at how short this was. This was sad at the end? Of course the previous Avengers movie couldn't be topped. Didn't the trailer for "Spider-Man: Far From Home" spoil it?

I mean, it hits theaters after Endgame and outright shows Spider-Man and Nick Fury having returned. Or does "Far From Home" take place before "Avengers: Infinity War"? I doubt it. It's not easy to make something so short so good. Well, there are webcomics that do that.

I admit the animation could be better. This was still pretty fun. Shouldn't Spider-Man be dead? He was in the last one. He mentioned he was from another dimension. If he was from another dimension, would that mean another Universe?

Would Batman be as qualified? He's from another Universe too. Great to see Rocket Raccoon with Deadpool. They're both so funny! I'd elect John Wick too.

Oh boy, was that funny. You just have no idea where it will go. I knew it was from "Cyanide & Happiness". My question is why does it look like it's only half done? It just seems like storyboards. Well, better than nothing I suppose.

At first, I thought it was just a ripoff. I should have looked at the title! Probably too generic for me. Dang, is there a lot you can do with stick figures. It certainly works here.

Galneda responds:

That's because this is the stage of development that I do! They are pretty much moving storyboards, yes.

I do pre-production animatics, which act like a blueprint for animation people to bring the rest to life. The finished product is linked in the description, and over the next few months, I'll be uploading more animatics that I worked on.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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