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I haven't quite kept up with these. At least I can remember the names of all the characters. This was very fun. I don't understand his size. It seemed like he was going up against giants, but everyone was like that. Was he just small?

How can these guys have teeth if they have no mouths? The action is still as great as ever. Weird how this show has a canon. I mean, it just had people come back to life for no reason at first!

Great to include that photo. Man, the nuts you run into. I had no idea people could be that crazy. Well, I work as a food service aide. I don't interact with customers that much. Er, I mean patients.

At least you had a steady job. Of course everyone complains about gas prices. You'd think a rich guy would at least get a bigger car. Well, he's certainly insane. Should've seen that joke at the end coming.

I wish the score was higher. I thought it was good! Maybe it's just because I'm a fan of zombie stuff. Well, aren't we all? Even the name's cool. I think the animation looks great.

Er graphics? I've never understood the difference. It certainly has potential. Thanks for sending this to me! I obviously love reviewing.

Alucard responds:

The score is something I have overcome over the years as an artist.
Everything I did is as a panel for you, and only you who have saw, to see.
So thanks for your review because it meant so much, and now you know it!
Peace! <3

Well, I really did sincerely love this cartoon. If Hitler were alive today, he'd be 130. Yeah, he's dead. At first, I thought the mother would be stupid. She did get smarter after awhile! I love the animation.

It's been too long since I've seen a cartoon from you. Yes, Hitler was indeed a painter. Saddam Hussein also wrote novels. I'm not sure if that was before or after he became a dictator. There actually was a Hitler sitcom about him with Jewish neigbors, I'm serious!

Aww, what was up with Misty's boobs? She's only 10! Then again, so is May and she would have been much more pleasing. I liked James sucking his own dick. I wanted to see Jessie more! She's the hottie of the show.

Seriously, in "Beauty And The Beach" her body was absolutely beautiful! I did think this was a good satire. It was still nonsensical. That's not really a bad thing. Hope "Detective Pikachu" is good!

It's been too long since I've seen these cartoons. We need new ones. Well, I guess it's just an old meme. It was great to recognize some of these. Well, the voices at least. I counted 23 parts.

Probably off by a bit. The sprite work is awesome. Maybe my favorite was the one with Nicole Sullivan. Since it was just her voice, it was like Shego from "Kim Possible". Funny to hear her say "piss".

LindleLand responds:

Yeah, people stopped making them around the time that the series went 3D and we stopped getting sprite rips for them.

Also I somehow never noticed that Joan had the same VA as Shego.

I admit the animation is good, but it just didn't appeal to me. Maybe you have to be a fan. Well, I know a fair amount about "Fallout" already. I guess I just wanted some subtitles. That can work when it's a song. Well, the rating isn't too high.

It's certainly colorful. It looks just like the game. Wait, how would I know? I mean, I bet it does. Is that the music from "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire"?

It seems like the animation can either make it or break it. It's at least unique and has more movement. I wish Germaine had dialogue. She needs to be more annoyed. Well, at least express to us how she's annoyed. Well, at least it didn't have Foamy.

Wait, why did this have his name in it? Is it just the new title? Well, it makes more sense. I appreciate how people still like this. I thought everyone hated it?

Great to see you again, Sexual-Lobster! Well, great to see your cartoons again. You know what I mean. The animation is as slick as ever. I really did think that was Steven Seagall. It's pronounced "Steven Seegall" not "Seagull".

Well, that was probably the joke. We see a story developing here. I would like to see more of this guy. You do have such great characters. They're so likeable.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

yup the famous actor in his world is Steven Seagull. hope youve been well, ericho

This was quite impressive. The animation was very nice. I know nothing about Mimi. This certainly looks great! I love her cute voice. Kind of weird to have an attractive girl be kind of fat.

Well, who am I to judge? I know about this food thing. I used to do that when I worked at McDonald's. Nobody noticed. Maybe their policy's changed since than?

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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