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I'm sorry, but it was nothing but two characters sleeping. They're fine by themselves, just not good for a cartoon. This is still completely harmless. It should have just been a gif on the Art Portal.

I liked this, but it could have been better. It was hard to make out some of the lyrics. It was still creative. This was a very cute character. I thought she was from "Animal Crossing". I can't keep up with all the video game characters.

I especially loved seeing the different visuals. Maybe there could have been more shading? It may have been too short for a music video. I still enjoyed the angel imagery. That's always fun for me.

This was great for a quick gag. I really did like the voices in this. Hey, this was a few seconds longer than most of these short flashes. I especially loved the animation. These characters are so wonderfully animated in their own game, anyone can draw them well. You can just freeze frame this to find a good shot.

I even like the background. It gives off more of a Mario feel to it than anything else. Damn, everything's getting a high rating recently. Well, the title's pretty self-explanatory. It was still executed well.

Damn, this has the highest rating I've ever seen in Madness cartoon ever! There's an infinite number of these, it's hard to keep up with the original series! I counted 75 deaths. I just assume anyone who lies down on the ground is dead. I can't keep up with the timeline being created anymore. All I know is that it's Madness.

It's weird how a .5 would be divided into two parts. Well, anything can really happen here. We just need to have tons of violence. Every installment now seems to be a long way coming. The randomly appearing spikes killing everyone are probably the best deaths. I think keeping up with the story would make it less enjoyable.

Your artwork kind of reminds me of Hotdiggedydemon. I knew he'd be victorious in the end. I knew what would happen. That was the point of this whole cartoon! Yeah, this is what most cops do. I'd go as far as bringing up the license and registration.

I wonder who'd have enough balls to do this the whole way. I mean, you've already hit yourself in the face with the car. Hey, I could pay a ticket but never want to go to a class. That's the most annoying part of all that. How nice that he did it for his kid.

I guess this was audio from the actual show. I believe in some versions Velma really is a lesbian. With all the LGBT characters coming out lately, it's no surprise. Jokes about that are becoming tiresome. This had great animation. It still had little going on.

I see more Scooby-Doo parodies all the time here. I'm not that big of a fan. These are still just fine. I liked how you included the audio link. She's animated quite well here.

I thought Bertram was living was them. I really liked the designs of these characters. Leere easily had the best design. I had no idea what she was. I thought she had a mouth at the end. I felt bad for these guys!

It seemed like this was the start of a series. I would sure like to see it become more. I knew things wouldn't end up well for them at the end. Leere looks like he has a floating afro. That's such a funny design.

Thank you for including the source. Well, this was a second or two longer than some other cartoons. It just didn't seem that good to me. I do like the single joke. I always want more action from these. It still got Daily Feature!

I like how only the first word was capitalized. It makes sense for something so short. You always make Hank look cute. That can't be easy. Please put in some action.

GlitchArtTV responds:

Don't have time rn, sorry.

I loved this, even thought it was short. Why is everything so short lately? I just loved seeing everything transition so well. I thought that maybe it would turn into something sexual. Well, given all the things she turned into, it would be something sexual I missed anyway. I loved the Mario sound effects.

It was just a very wacky cartoon that worked well. This almost seemed like something made by Pendledon Ward. Well, the model looked similar. The drawing at the end described her best. It's great to see so much going on in such a short time.

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