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That's one long tag. You know, "Don't do drugs stay in skool lol". The first half of this was absolutely incredible. The second half was good, but just not great. I loved this animation. The setup is hilarious.

It was so funny hearing them with these voices. Well, they are kids. They certainly never looked like teenagers. I'm reminded of a real news story. A girl called the police to ask her where her pot was (it was illegal there at the time).

I have to admit this wasn't that great for me. It was still pretty enjoyable. I thought it would be serious at first. The animation could have been better. I love how one of the taglines is "bullshit". That's a vulgar way of saying "spam".

We'll have an "Elden Ring" section here soon. I didn't know it would go on after he died. It probably worked better that way. I like how dumb he is. He just messes around when his enemy is going to attack.

Oh, it was a trailer. I had no idea. I hadn't seen the whole title, okay? It was too long anyways. For whatever it's worth, this is still a very impressive cartoon. I liked the stuff at the beginning the best.

It kind of seems like FNAF. I guess every horror thing with a bunny is like that. Oh, bunnies get killed all the time, like in "Happy Tree Friends". The sprite work looks great. It's still great as a trailer.

I had no idea it would turn out this way. I loved seeing something so unique for these cartoons. I thought it would just show her crotch over and over. It was so bizarre it ended up being really entertaining. I especially appreciated the great use of colors. Your other stuff is often in black and white.

I hope you do one with Jessie. Seeing as how the Team Rocket trio are already funny, imagine what you could do with them. Hmm, maybe James with his biki...no. I'm glad that it addressed how crude it was. I had a cheeseburger today at Sonic.

Yep, he is indeed Mickey Mouse. Well, the games were more about Fleischer cartoons. It's still a callback to cartoons in those days. I mistook you for CraeYT. Well, I see a lot of cartoons like this. You know, very short ones that are just one joke.

This was a well-executed one. The violence at the end really made it for me. "The Simpsons" is indeed owned by Disney anyway. Oh, I should've known it was Oneyplays. That's replaced Game Grumps.

Ooh, Underdog Of The Week award! I think this deserves it! The best part was actually the very first scene. I especially love the animation. I would have rather had it the video itself was a droste image. The joke works great.

Well, it was certainly dark humor. I didn't understand the ending, but didn't need to. This looks like something from the NOX series. I bet it used the same program. This may have been even better.

Wow, I was certainly not expecting that! Of course, I knew this would be something great from that huge score. I just love how things escalate. The coolest part was probably when he used the shotgun. Even that couldn't stop the monster! My "only" complaint was that the monster should have appeared at the very end.

Well, at least he appeared twice. This is still amazing. The funniest part was probably when the pizza hit the satellite. It was either that or when the sign had a hole burned through it. I really did feel bad for that little worm. I could use this as a guide to make pizza.

The title is probably the best part. If I wanted to give my chip a name, I would call him Chip! That's a SpongeBob joke. I love how I have no idea what the story will be. I didn't know it would be about Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm not sure what it is they believe.

I assume the alien religion was Scientology. You have a pretty likeable main character here. We all feel like this. I thought it was Mormons who came to people at their doors. I guess they both do.

Tiltro responds:

Jehovah's Witnesses' believe that jesus died on a kabob and not on the letter "t" for the sins of many.

For something titled "Porn" I thought it would be well, porn. I was actually kind of impressed that it wasn't. I especially appreciate how she was against mooning. I mean, it's mild compared to what other people have done. It really did look like a manga. I forget that those are in black and white.

These designs are very nice too. I just noticed that with their halos, they are meant to be angels. The others are obviously demons. It seems like sometimes "demons" and "devils" are interchangeable. They definitely seem red.

Wow, I had no idea this would be more than an intro. At least it was a great cartoon. Yeah, I could get some "Ghostbusters" vibes from this. I had a friend at work named Hunter. Sadly, he found a better job. This was a great little cartoon.

The old woman kind of reminded me of Hans Moleman. Those cats were especially adorable. Anyone who would hurt such adorable beings deserves to die! I love the design of the monster. I also like how you showed them being paid.

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