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I initially didn't think this was that good. The ending came and it was awesome! I was just thinking to myself when you'd make poop jokes. There were none! This is one of the best things you have ever worked on. Yep, that's what would realistically happen to humans.

It's great that you had your girlfriend with this. Hopefully, you won't die like these guys. It's fairly short, but works well for itself. I like how you include the optional subtitles. It can of course be hard to make out lyrics.

Why am I seeing so much stuff that I don't understand? I mean, the prank works and then what? I will give you credit for having great animation. It really was funny to see her butt fly around like that. This just seems like one of your weakest flashes. I was expecting more of a joke.

Okay, poop can be funny. It just doesn't add up to much here. The redundant name is nice. Uh, happy first day of June? I don't see this becoming popular.

TmsT responds:

To answer your questions:
- Because you are expanding your horizons, challenging yourself by seeking out new things to learn from. Good for you!
- The prank works and then the movie concludes, having no further business after demonstrating the prank.
- It was actually the second day of June that was the happy day, when this movie won a Daily 2nd Place. Thanks for asking.

Well, it is rare that I see CGI. It's just that there was nothing else really here. From the title, it seemed like it would have worked better as a game. Watching it, I stand by that statement. It has pretty good music, though. It could have been more elaborate.

I'm not asking for a plot. I just want understanding. The CGI doesn't hold up that well. Then again, there's not much on this website for me to compare it to. I guess you were trying to put me in a trance. It didn't quite work.

Wow, that was very unexpected. I am really amazed that happened. It wasn't as good as some Madness stuff, but it was very original. I like the idea of a muscular Madness guy. Is that what they're called? Just Madness guys?

Those were certainly guys. The menu screen was wonderful. I had no idea where this was going. The sounds were pretty good. Oh, and I just set a record for most reviews written on one day!

It is pretty funny to poke fun at how Brock looks. It did look like an Onix from what I was seeing. I just love Brock's lips. Is he supposed to be black? Then again, I don't even know what ethnicity he is at all. Many people have wondered that.

I thought the squinty eyes were supposed to be Asian. It worked so well as just a short joke. In fact, a lot of movies here are just that. Everyone was drawn in such a funny manner. At least it wasn't Brock kicking him.

I was kind of weirded out when it ended. It felt like it was just getting good! I guess I was as disappointed as she went it ended. I guess we'll never find out what really happened. At least this was beautifully animated. It reminded me of the cartoons made by the creator of "Genevieve".

The voice was quite good. I knew something bad was going to happen. It was extremely unpredictable. The creepiest part was probably with the shadow. There was never confirmed to be revenge, though.

This was a really funny cartoon. I admit that it didn't seem that good at first. It definitely got better the more it went on. I guess the whole Catwoman thing just wasn't that funny to me. The animation is quite good. I love the bit at the end where he punches him.

I do believe that bat crayons would be all black. Well, maybe some gray in there. The voice work was quite good. Batman is always doing something funny. The music is so good too.

I really do like the use of his name backwards. Again, this could have just been longer. I am glad it had more going for it than the skeleton loop. The CGI is quite good in this. I would love to see a longer submission with this style. I have actually used the named "Susej" in my life.

Is everyone taking ideas from me? It kind of sounds like "disease". I guess you showed it to religion for saying he wasn't real. At least, I THINK that's what he said. At least this is unique.

I admit that there could have been to this. It was just a skeleton walk loop. Well, I got what I expected anyway. There should be more than just this. Of course, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this. I really do love the perspective. That's a great trick with the animation.

The music is pretty spooky. He is looking at me the more I examine him. It looks pretty three dimensional. I just want more going on from you. This was fine.

I loved this cartoon! It's actually even hard for me to really say why. I guess it's because the movements are so wonderfully fluidly. I really have no idea what's going on, but it's great to look at! I loved seeing how they had actual faces. The music was also fantastic.

I just find this orange head design to be really cool and original. Even the words on the menu are done in a really nice way. It's something that has lots of energy. I can't believe this didn't win Daily Feature. The current score makes it seem like it should have! This was just tons of fun.

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Joined on 9/21/08

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