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I thought it would end at 0:41. I'm just so used to these things being shorter lately. I loved the contrasting animation. That guy looked like he was pregnant. It looked a lot like a fetus. Wait, I shouldn't say "it", should I?

Stupid Roe Vs. Wade. I mean Stupid Roe Vs. Wade being overturned. I loved that explosion at the end. In comedies, those are always funny. She looked like a caterpillar, as many people in sleeping bags do.

At first, I was afraid this would just be still images. I'm so glad it wasn't. Honestly, it looked more like a lightsaber. That joke was already made in "The Ultimate Orgy". I loved the TV14 rating. Yeah, that would be rated that.

Context is everything. Well, that and what the actual thing is. At least it wasn't flesh colored. Now THAT would have gotten it a TV-MA rating. I sometimes wonder when I should bite the popsicle too.

I personally thought this was great. The best parts were the expressions. You knew how to put emphasis on these people's faces. While it's short, tons of beloved cartoons have been much shorter. She silenced her before she even spoke! She even somehow knew she was speaking.

They're so adorable! Yeah, they have personality even given this short time. You have to do that! I love her voice too. It's a great and cute little cartoon.

Okay, this was freaking amazing. I loved how there managed to be a FOURTH option. Nothing after death would still be preferrable over that. I especially loved finding out the resolution. I loved how you used original characters. It wasn't just video game characters.

Everyone does that. The ending was hilarious and unpredictable. I bet he could just dig a hole anywhere. Well, I don't know anything about being homeless. I sure hope I never do. You know how to draw giraffes well.

I believe this was good, but the animation could have been better. That was part of the appeal of course. I believe it was, right? This was enjoyable because we always want new water park rides. The one I go to hasn't had a new ride since I got here like decades ago! I liked the different ideas.

I was looking up to see if Jimmy Kravitz was a real person. I kept thinking of Lenny Kravitz. Now that's a real person. I don't see much water park related cartoons around here. Thank you for something original. Wow, this took a while to get on the front page.

This was absolutely fantastic. I thought it was going to be an action cartoon at first. I didn't know it would take that direction. Then again, I was afraid it would turn into something really dirty. I am sooo glad the characters found it awkward. I mean, anyone would.

I can't keep up with all the characters' names and stuff. The animation was even more awesome than it usually is! It's so impressive how you get even better! I'm also glad your stuff never gets too sexual. There's always more sexual stuff out there. Snakes shouldn't have fur, well except here.

I thought this would just be an intro at first. I'm certainly glad it wasn't. My favorite part might have been the end with all those video game references. I appreciate the variety in this cartoon. It's not just featuring Rayman. Hey, that's part of the title.

The Rabbids remind me of the Minions. Wait, rabid?! That's not good! The animation was good the whole way through. It certainly deserves this high score.

I don't quite think it's the best insult, but damn was this fantastically animated! I mean, it was gorgeous! Honestly, this doesn't even seem like a threat. I'm not a furry or anything. Well, except for Rouge. And probably Krystal.

Such an adorable deer! I simply have to give this a high rating. Well, I give those all the time. I review stuff that has the highest scores, okay! It's a habit! Damn, is she adorable.

Wow, this sure looks awesome. I'd think we'd have more "Adventure Time" cartoons. I'm so glad to see Huntress Wizard at the end. I was disappointed nothing ever really came out of their relationship. I mean, he failed in every other love interest. Who's been more cockblocked than him?

There have been a lot of different versions of Finn. At least I know that's not Fern. It can't be Fionna either. Well, there were other universes explored in the show. There was a lot to keep up with.

Holy crap, this was incredible! I had no idea what I was in for. I noticed that Tyneen had three fingers on her organic hand and four fingers on her robotic hand. Boy, did that Queen Potoo have a misleading appearance at first. I thought this would be about Kara at first. She didn't appear again until 16 minutes into the cartoon!

Everything is just detailed so fantastically. I didn't know it would be this long. I can always expect something amazing from you, Zeurel. I just didn't expect something so unique. There were so many amazing characters to keep up with, I'm so glad you included them in the credits. I'm surprised you'd even WANT to make more of these when it's already perfect.

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