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This was a good little cartoon. It was just too short. I mean, it was just a guy talking. Still, the voice is really nice. It seems more like a test. Even the title seems to indicate that.

It was nice for what it was. Congratulations on this Daily Feature. I want to see more of this guy. He kind of looks like Ren. The color's good.

Wow, I must have a dirty mind. I thought something really bad was going to happen. Instead, it was just a sweet little cartoon. That didn't make it particularly good. It's sweet enough to like. I just wish there was more.

This seemed like a theme song. It probably WAS a theme song. The voices are nice. Is this part of a series? Seems like it should be.

That was awesome! It was just great to hear pun after pun after pun. Also rhyming. You just never know what joke is going to come up next. The animation's great too. It was great to hear a woman's voice.

Well, her thoughts I guess. I love the "Garfield" insults. That has really fallen. This doesn't have its own section yet? Criminal.

Well, that was odd. It was just something that didn't seem appropriate for this website. Still, it was quite nice! I especially like your voice. Is Diddy in "Super Smash Bros."? I mean, everyone else is!

It's pretty informative. It was probably too short. It's impressive how you got Daily Feature. You rarely see stuff here with stock footage. I guess it's allowed.

I can see why this was ranked as the worst submission for Pico Day 2019. It's just a bunch of text. I submitted a thing or two here and it had even lower ratings. I guess I shouldn't be one to talk. I guess he did talk at the end, speaking of talking. So this was more of a Newgrounds Pico Day.

It was just a celebration of Newgrounds in general. That's fine. Well, at least his learned something! Happy Pico Day 2019! Happy Mother's Day too!

Well, that was rather strange. I'm getting tired of asking what these cartoons have to do with Pico Day. This is just fine. The title made me think of Raditz from "Dragonball Z". Hmm, I think that's where he got his name from.

You know, raddish? The sprite work was great. I've been seeing so much of that lately. It was short, but good. I mean, there are 5 second films after all.

gatekid3 responds:

Picoday is a celebration of newgrounds. The radish only exists because of newgrounds. Thats the only connection. So i understand if many don't think it fits.

I liked this cartoon a lot. What did it have to do with Pico though? There was an invite only for Pico Day 2019? I wish I was there! The animation was amazing! It's a pity it was so short.

It still delivers the goods though. I loved how this made in such high spirits. The characters just look so happy. They get a lot done in such a short time. Happy Pico's Day and Mother's Day!

I admit this wasn't great. The action could have been better. I wanted Pico to be stronger. I did like that ending a lot. You know, with him cocking the gun. I knew something like that would happen.

Pico Day's on May 12th now? I thought it was April 30th. Well, no rule says we can't change. The animation was fairly good. Happy Pico Day and Mother's Day!

I was quite impressed with this! It's great to know how talented you are, El-Cid. The ending was great too. The animation is so amazing. It seems like really good sprite work. We need more stuff like that.

I liked those little aliens. Pico Day? What did this have to do with Pico? I can see this becoming a series. The designs are cool too.

I admit that the setup was really weird. It didn't really build up to that. Still, this is very funny! I thought Clark was the turtle. The animation is good. This was recommended for me.

It's been around for a long time. It's hard to describe something so short. It gets its joke across well. I still try to find as many things to critique as I can. Hey, I review pictures!

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