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That was hilarious! It seems to be a shot against "Solo: A Star Wars Story". The animation was gorgeous in this cartoon. That might have been the highlight! I never saw SASWS. Most people said it was just forgettable.

It's the worst movie to come out since Disney to be less critically acclaimed than "Revenge Of The Sith". I noticed the pattern! Loved the jokes with the letters falling off. I thought you were saying a peek at a new series. Obviously, that's the parody.

TmsT responds:

I'm yet to see Solo:ASWS, but thank you for not raising my expectations. I'm surprised though, the cast seemed perfect. But I guess it's up to the writers too. With Disney promising to release a new SW movie every year until... ?sometime? ...it doesn't bode well if they're scraping the bottom of the barrel already!

That was great! I admit to not listening to this podcast. It's still hilarious. That was really his mom? There was just so much creativity put into this. The movements are incredible.

This reminds me of Game Grumps. That's just been animated so many different times. Why don't they have noses? That can be an anime thing. Didn't know Afro-Ninja had another account.

I didn't have high hopes for this, seeing as how it was less than a minute long. I still loved it. The animation is probably the strongest point. I don't know what Hightower has to do with it. I guess you have to be a fan. Well, I've already seen tons of videos already.

It helps the voices are so great. You can tell a lot in any short time. I just appreciated the spirit. Why is the section called "Team Fortress"? It's Team Fortress 2!

That dolphin looks angry. I'm not going to act like PETA and say people should die for touching it. The only foreign country I ever went to was Canada. Luckily, it's not too different. I took a year or two of Spanish. Yep, I remember nothing too.

It just seemed so wasted. At least I can remember the class. I swam with dolphins once. I do live in Florida, bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Yeah, you have a wife!

Gee, I wonder if this will get Front paged? It's great to see new cartoons being developed on this website. You know, original ideas. I loved how there was no dialogue again. You still give the characters so much personality. You need great facial expressions.

It's hard to do drama without dialogue. When I think of no dialogue, I think of something like Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner. They were of course known for slapstick. It's hard to do serious stuff without talking. You pull it off so well.

34? That sounds dirty. Anyway, the voices and animation were as good as ever. This seriously doesn't have its own section here? It needs one! I never knew the story would be so complicated.

It really does get bigger as it goes on. It's too big it's hard for me to keep up. I'm usually better about it! I probably need a wiki or two to keep up with it. I love how it's set up.

The rating should be a lot higher. This seemed like a very high class cartoon. The music was just beautiful. I kind of wish there were subtitles. Well, that's never stopped people from enjoying a foreign music video before. Just look at Gangnam Style!

It's so beautiful to look at to. You just need to see it to understand how great it is. The red was used very well. I'm so glad to know you're still active. You've been here since 2003!

How very nice! I was quite impressed by how much story it had without any dialogue. I'm so glad it kept that up. I appreciate the animation of course. It is kind of hard to follow with no talking. I'm more used to stuff like slapstick with no dialogue.

The only Wilhelm I know is of a scream. I didn't hear that here! I'm glad you describe the story. I hope this has its own section here. This was submitted on my 30th birthday!

That was great! I really did love the creativity. It just wasn't that unique. It's hard to come by unique stuff. Of course Madness is so awesome you can do anything with it! What a great collab!

Well, it was just inspiration, but still you have a lot of people to thank for this. I'd mention what the signs say, but you can just pause the video for that. They're not freeze frame bonuses. Those big guys are always hard to take down. Great to see different colored blood too.

For an intro, that was pretty good. I really did like the animation. I just wish it had lyrics. Maybe it does? "Star Trek" had lyrics most people don't know about. The music was nice.

It just wasn't too interesting. I guess it could have been a little longer. It certainly has some potential. I like the little details. It's just not that great.

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