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I thought this was a very original flash if not the most suspenseful. I guess it just gives off such an interesting tone of mystery, it is hard to come up with a consistent theme. I would like to see this explained, but it's still a fine cartoon. The best part is the animation, as you really worked hard to put dimension into the stick figure medium. It seems like this guy was trapped at a mental asylum, which sort of happened to my brother next time. It was weird to hear that song played at the end.

CaKeS1 responds:

Wow haven't got a response in a while. Thanks for the input, and it seems you understand this pretty well ;)

And I picked Feather by Nujabes because I thought it was calm and added to the strange feel of the animation. Thanks :D

Recognized it!

I had seen this before, but it is great to have it here on this website as this site can always use more popular stuff. It was submitted on Christmas, but the only connection it had to it was snow. This was still fun to watch especially the guy's reaction to the guns. I love how this big pile of guns just randomly appears, along with that dinosaur. It seemed like you were really trying to end it all in a big way with him knowing that it was a grenade. The voice work was really good and I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

psychicpebbles responds:

thanks man glad you enjoyed it

Oh, Matt

It was interesting to see a "conclusion" to this series. I was really waiting for this because last year I was disappointed you did not make a Zanta Claws cartoon. There were some things that I found strange, so why is it that Todd was all bandaged up when Zanta was completely unharmed? The funniest part was probably when he just threw Zanta out of the sleigh. I kind of thought this was one of the lesser entries in the series, but still good. I am glad I managed to see this as myself and my family celebrate Christmas, so have a merry one too!

Hard to not like

I just think it is pretty much impossible for you to make something I do not love. In fact, I think I might have been satisfied if the entire thing was nothing but the loading screen. Recursion is something I have always been interested in and I like an infinite loop. It is very creative for its kind. The best part is that the animation is simply fantastic with how the characters move around and how exaggerated everything is. I hope you have a very merry Christmas and at least you made it somewhat Christmas-related.

Merry Christmas

I thought this was a really good one and now I am glad that I am going to be saying for sure this time that this is the last review before my Christmas vacation. Maybe next time you could do an episode featuring the luncar eclipse! That only happens once every 300 years, you'll never have this opportunity again! Anyway, the funniest part was the joke about Hitler and the oven. I noticed the Dalek in space towards the end, nice little thing in the background. Prawnboy obviously does not know pokemon.

Poor Charon

This was a really funny cartoon because you really knew how to play off science. While I am no astronomer, I am fairly sure that every moon you named is in fact a real moon. Pluto is no longer considered a moon, so I even wonder what it is considered now? It was weird for Toast King to make himself as "Moon" which is also strange in real life. The animation was as great as ever, especially with how the eyes are drawn. The bagel was probably the character who was the funniest to watch.


This was a funny episode, if only because of that comment about being naked at the very end. Another funny part was when he accidentally took off the clothes the other guy was wearing. It is just very entertaining to see a random guy covered in lint stalk someone. These shorts are good because they make me think about how I would hopefully live in a place like that someday. Hopefully, there will be no lint people. Each of the voice actors worked hard to put an individual and unique emotion to the characters.

Aww, geez

The funniest part was probably when Mickey was describing how his career went downward. I found this particularly entertaining because I am actually desperatedly looking for a job myself. I did not expect to see Foghorn Leghorn but man, does he make everything funny. I also love how pathetic Mickey is and how he'll do anything for money. Gee, you know, I sure hope I don't run into a box factory that's secretary a place for swiping drugs. Who would want cocaine after it had been in someone's rectum anyway?

Santa deserved it

Wow, the second short was really unexpected. I had no idea Santa was going to die, and I thought it was going to turn out like that old joke about a guy who was just dressed as Santa who was accidently killed. It was quite dark, but I have seen worse. Drat, this cartoon inspired me to now talk in verse. The animation was as decent as ever, and that intro just never stops being clever. It is great that you guys all contributed to this so well that I hope you have a Merry Christmas and your own great story to tell.

DestructoBox responds:

Thanks for the review dude!
Merry christmas to you as well ;)

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