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This cartoon had been recommended to me for a long time. I just had to finally watch it! This was really done on PowerPoint? I'm impressed! Okay, the animation's pretty stilted, but it still looks better than I thought. I was so glad to recognize all the pokemon.

I lost count after the first 493. I just loved the bright colors. Who knew Chimechos could be so mean? It's just nice to play like a game. Well, a choose your own adventure thing, I guess.

Here's to another great entry in the series! I was so impressed at how good the animation is. Everything is so wonderfully cartoonish here as well. I know what it's like to deal with pesky insects. My apartment's actually been crawling with them recently! Not even an exterminator could get rid of them.

I even loved the title card. Everything moved so wonderfully. I really had no idea what would happen next. Even without dialogue, you give the characters a lot of personality. It's as fun as ever.

Awesome song! There is one problem. You can’t repeat the cartoon. I want to hear that over and over just like the original theme song! Still, this is a great cartoon. It’s hard to go wrong with a theme song that good.

That was some weird stock footage at the end. You really don’t need to see the other cartoons to get this. It’s just a joke in the beginning. Those are some weird things that are supposed to be baby turtles in the beginning. The turtle’s voices are hilarious. The audio version of this is better as it loops.

I think the main reason this is so loved is because of the tone. I was impressed by how good the animation was. It's probably because it's great how simple the premise is. There's still a lot that goes on. I can always like that. The music was also fine.

It's funny to see them go skydiving just to get apples. Is that one guy's head a paper bag or is it a bag over his head? I don't know what these things are. One of them looks like a giant grape. How fitting.

I loved how you included the real lyrics. That's probably what make me give this such a high score. It was fun to see the goofy animation. This reminded me of animutation. Dang, I miss that stuff. They just did this better.

It was funny how you put Pac-Man there. He did eventually become part of the game! Well really, everyone has. You just have to buy the right versions. I'm used to stuff like this.

I was impressed at how much you were able to put into this. For something less than three minutes long, a lot happened. Well, you were probably on caffeine when you made it yourself! I really do love the animation. Nice blue color scheme. I don’t know why it was blue.

I guess it’s just a random color. There’s so much emotion. I thought he was going to be burned by that coffee. I loved how much was going on. Again, given the coffee theme it makes sense.

Well, that was very strange, but also very awesome! It did get too weird at times. It's still great to see this animation. This seems like something so obvious. I mean SpongeBob and anime, what an obvious combination! They've done anime with everything else.

The characters looked pretty different in certain shots. I liked that. You didn't need to be consistent to be cool. I love these author comments. It would make more sense for Emperor Pilaf to capture Pikachu.

I am not that familiar with the Exiles. I know everything else about Marvel Comics, though! I didn't understand how Johnny Cage recognized Ken. This is the first after all. Will "Mortal Kombat" characters ever appear in "Super Smash Bros."? We'll still have this.

It really looked like Johnny Cage was losing badly. He could barely hurt him! Instead, we get this great unexpected battle. That's probably the main reason I'm rating this so low. It's a pity the voters didn't think the same thing.

I saw a cartoon from you before. This was different in that it didn’t use stock footage from the show. My Little Pony, that is. This is just so funny. Why isn’t the rest of the anthology here? Well, this is something at least.

The animation is so authentic. This really is just like what Discord and Spike would look like animated in “Rick And Morty”. Dang, I love that show. Wait, MLP’s up to nine seasons? Figures.

At first, I thought this was going to be like Brackenwood. You know, with the lack of dialogue. There actually was some dialogue in this, so it wasn’t quite like it. Well, there was still little dialogue. I love the animation. It’s still great in its own right.

I had no idea they’d talk about school. It just seemed weird for the setting. It still ended up being amazing. A pity the other 40 episodes weren’t submitted here. Well, they probably weren’t made at all.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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