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This was definitely good, but not great. I guess Cactuar and Tonberry would be a tough act to follow. It’ll take awhile for me to get used to all these new characters. There were still tons of great jokes. My favorite was probably the guy’s pretty eyes. I also loved the instrument bits.

You really are establishing a new series. Did that guy say “cancert”? I don’t know what accent that is. The music was great. I certainly want to dungeoneer more after watching this.

I found this to be rather cute. Well, as cute as a song about dying could be. It helps that the animation is so good. I love what you do with these characters. I remember chronicling the Naruto chapters so closely. My favorite bit might have been with Hinata.

It was just great to see all the characters together like this. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen all those kages. It was great how you gave each character their chance to shine. For something short, that’s not too easy.

That was nice and cartoonish. I just love how exaggerated everything was. You really didn't know what would happen next. I didn't know he'd be that defiant in the end. I don't know what a remote's doing there like that. It sure is awesome!

It looks like you're not numbering these anymore. It would be too high. The music set the tone quite well. Without dialogue, that can be important. It was fun as always.

Wow, the Christian Bale rant was that long ago? It seems more recent. I don't hold that against him. He's still a good actor. Anyway, this was well animated. It is a shame there were only two outtakes. I wanted more.

That newbie was quite dumb. I'm glad to hear more of the response in the rant. I wanted to know what the other guy was saying. He distinctly said, "I was looking at the light". Yeah, not much.

Happy Easter indeed. I was quite impressed at how insane this was. The funniest part was easily the bit with the hole. I especially liked all this insane action. I don't know why he changed the blood color. Well, I don't know why most of the stuff here happens.

The fourth wall jokes were great. I haven't seen the other episodes. I always feel bad for that. This was just really entertaining. Does the Easter Bunny even have a defined color?

I admit this wasn't one of the best, but I still loved it. It's mostly because of how cute it is. I mean, I really did want this guy to make it out okay! I'm glad to have seen this journey. I'm glad it didn't get too violent. It really is quite pleasant.

She didn't seem like much of a dog at first. I'm glad to have seen something so quaint. The buildup is nice. Orange is my favorite color! I just like stuff like this.

I was impressed by this! I clicked "play" and it was nothing but the title screen. I thought maybe that was the whole thing. Cartoonists have done that before. I am glad it was an actual cartoon. It probably was a bit too short.

Well, you did only make it in one second. The sounds were nice. It was very easy to follow. It just wasn't great. It was at least better than what I was expecting.

I really liked this. I know it's a cheap joke. I know the gun was meant to kill himself with. I appreciate the animation. It makes me feel better about myself. At least I have a job and...I probably shouldn't go into much more detail.

The voices were so funny. The length was perfect too. It's just a funny little cartoon. Uh, Merry Christmas? It's soon to be Halloween.

You used that “End” thing from the Clock Crew. I admit I didn’t really care for this much. I guess I just don’t like Eskimo Bob. I never understood the point. The humor is too random for me. It needs to have more action.

If you’re going to have random jokes, you need to have a lot going on. This was still unique. Santa looks like a rabbit! Wasn’t this a word salad script? Uh, Merry Christmas?

That was pretty good, but not great. I think it was mostly too short. It still built itself up pretty well. Maybe I shouldn’t wish I had one of these. The animation was quite nice. You show pretty strong movements.

It’s fine for a quick joke. I do like how it escalates. It can be pretty unpredictable. The colors are fairly good too. It’s just serviceable for me, which is more than I could probably say for one of these iPhones.

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