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Wow, this got Review Crew Pick?! How am I just finding out about it now? Easy, there's too many of these cartoons to watch. I was hoping this would be an actual fighting game. We're going to have FNF Day eventually. Maybe Jams are becoming the new Days.

I'm glad there was more and not just credits. There still wasn't physical fighting. This is a high score even by other high scores from these cartoons! I can't even request anything to be made of this jam when it probably already exists! At least in fanart it does.

This was made on March 12th and it's on Frontpage now? Well, there really are an infinite number of these cartoons! Happy April Fool's Day! A pity there aren't any AFD cartoons to review today. Oh, I get the title now. What did happen on Friday Night Morning?

I'm getting more attached to these characters. This is more Archive Panic than Homestuck! Everything has been done with these characters. I like how these cartoons can be down to earth. I still think the dad's a demon, though.

Wow, that really was heartwarming. I know they'd never kill off Mario. It's April Fool's Day! I thought you'd say that at the end. Then again, this was submitted on March 31st. Whatever, it was fun.

The animation was great. Maybe it could have been longer? Wait, 35 years ago was 1986, not 1985! I'm assuming it refers to the 1985 "Super Mario Bros." game. Whatever, it's an anniversary.

I seriously think this has the best animation of anything you've worked on. I'm glad it wasn't too long. I'm pretty sure this was pretty accurate. The ocean would be too big to cause that much electricity. I mean, it's all a matter of dillution.

It's the same reason homeopathy doesn't work. A pool I'm not sure about. A toaster in a bathtub really would kill someone. Yep, it's been tested. Don't know those characters at the end, but they're cool.

Honestly, I never thought of Lola as being that uh...hot. I'm not really into uh...furries. Well, except Rouge the Bat. Honestly, I genuinely enjoy "Space Jam". Siskel, Ebert, and Leonard Maltin can't all be wrong! I thought people hated her.

Well, not her looks. She was useful! This was still nicely done. I especially liked the flashback done in complete animation. Still nowhere near as hot as Jessica Rabbit, speaking of rabbits.

Hey, we see some great original characters here! By original, I don't mean those FNF flashes. I forgot your previous works. It's amazing how wonderful they all are. I loved how this was realistic at first. Yeah, hard to say that in a cartoon like this.

It showed the guy struggling with using the jetpack. That would happen to anyone! The rings especially looked great. The visuals were more memorable than the song. Still worth showing to anyone for whatever reason. I had no idea it would be this epic!

Always great to see Samus! A pity this didn't show her out of her suit. I mean, I think she's the most video game character ever. The ending was probably too silly. Well, we can be silly. I did love the animation.

You rarely see Samus like this. You know, not presented in a side scrolling role here. It really was different for a Metroid flash. Maybe too short, but still effective. Even Mother Brain looked cool!

Wait, that cat person was a boy? He looked so feminine! I truly appreciate the animation as always. While silly, I did find myself attached to these characters. I mean, they really had distinct personalities. Even the credits were cool!

Dang, you just make great cartoon after great cartoon! Never a dud at all! Never knew meth could be so emotional. Well, it does make you excited. Orcs are pretty cool.

I ended up loving this! It really was something different for a Madness flash. You had green blood. I don't think I've ever seen that before! The music was really nice too. I'm glad it wasn't too long.

I can enjoy making fun of PETA-like organizations. They are really bad. I wouldn't kill them though. If you don't want to eat meat, you don't have to. Oh, should have read the description for the blood.

This was beautifully animated. Well, it was certainly meant to be beautiful. Maybe not that unique, but definitely watchable. There's so many hot women on this website. You still had a different tone with this. I like the all capitals title.

This was a pretty good beat too. It was especially fun to see these colors. They could come off as too gaudy in a cartoon like this. Instead, they really worked. It's nice to check them out.

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