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This was beautifully animated. Well, it was certainly meant to be beautiful. Maybe not that unique, but definitely watchable. There's so many hot women on this website. You still had a different tone with this. I like the all capitals title.

This was a pretty good beat too. It was especially fun to see these colors. They could come off as too gaudy in a cartoon like this. Instead, they really worked. It's nice to check them out.

2:58, hey Mr. Rogers! you didn't say "Brewstew!" at the end. Still very funny. I don't know much about the Boy Scouts, well except they didn't allow gays or atheists. Didn't know they were in the same league as the Cub Scouts. I did go to Christian camps.

Well, it was a Christian camp and also a miniature golf course. More people probably like miniature golf than religion anyway. Am I writing my own script here for a cartoon I could make? I do wonder if you can awake yourself with your own snores. Luckily, that doesn't run in my family.

Eh, have to admit I don't see why this has an amazingly high rating. I mean, it's good, but not much. It sounds like an audio from something like Game Grumps. It's fine for a quick viewing. Well, everyone else loves it. It just could have been longer.

I just thought there have been many better things released here recently. The animation was probably too simplistic. I admit to not being that big a fan of Tankmen. Short things can still be great. It's loud as the title indicates.

I really didn't know this would be that good. It seemed like it was serious at first. Well, parts of it at least. I really did feel for these characters. Odd how Sheik would take part in confusing a character's gender. Well, that was probably the joke.

It seemed inspired by "Dragonball Z". Well, every action anime seems like that. The ending was hilarious too. Found it funny how Captain Falcon was fighting Falco. That does seem like a very obvious thing to do. Is this just Amazing Cartoon Day or something?

I liked the style of this a lot. Godzilla was only mentioned. I admit it didn't make sense for King Kong to be the villain. I mean, that's clearly Godzilla's role more than him. Still, it was great. My favorite part was 0:19.

Even the the singing was great. I did feel for King Kong. He's still not as destructive as Godzilla. He doesn't really fight other monsters in his movies. Twatter, that's a funny pun.

Wow, that was amazing! For just showing a robot being built, there was so much emotion! I sadly had a feeling something bad was going to happen to him. You have to get that high score somehow! Darn Newberry Award. I didn't see how this was a music video.

I mean, yeah it had music. It just seemed too short. Everything just looked so fresh and crisp in it. I can see how you made a trailer for something that's as long as an actual trailer! It's amazing how you show so much character development in a film this short. Dang, are we on a roll lately!

PartTimeSeagull responds:

THANKS SO MUCH! and yeah i dont really know how to catagorise these vids. they are definately not full music videos but the music is the top priority. still figuring the logistics out!

i appreciate the input so much glad you enjoyed!

That was a very sweet little film. I can see why people like it so much. Something about a strawberry on this website not related to StrawberryClock? That's different! I really did feel sorry for that little guy. I guess we do have to eat food.

Still, the ending kind of made up for it. He's a father now! Or maybe a mother. It's kind of hard to tell the gender between fruits. Berry is a name.

Wow, that is a lot of references in such a short video! I just loved this from the get go! What the hell is going on?! Every single submission on the front page has a perfect rating now! Well, can't complain about quality. I just love the style.

This was awesome from the first second! For something short, you need to make it like that. 12 tags for a 20 second video? Very impressive indeed! I loved seeing the "Among Us" parodies. No FNF references, though.

This is going to be a series? I wasn't expecting that! I mean, it's already started! Anyway, this was a lot of fun. It was a very interesting style from you. Well, I am used to your Animutations.

You don't draw for those. I keep thinking of your name as TimsT. You know, like your name is Tim. You could have nixed the poop joke. I liked the tiger ending.

TmsT responds:

Ohoho, just a warning, there's going to be a few more poop jokes in this series.

Dang, that's a sweet outro! I'd love to see that more! Anyway, I did enjoy this. True, it was nothing groundbreaking. It was just a cute little cartoon. It kind of reminded me of the Yip Yup Martians.

It's just cute for a simple watch. It's quite kid-friendly. I don't know why they each have one wing. Don't remind me of Sephiroth. It's not appropriate here.

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