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OneyPlays? I confused this for GameGrumps. I mean, given the infinite number of GameGrumps videos, that's all I can think when watching these things. That really does sound like Mr. Bean. Even if it doesn't, it's hilarious. It's even kind of pleasant.

I loved the bit where you imagine him in a nowhere place. The animation was unique. It looks just like the character! The other parts were still not quite like the show. I just liked that.

Ummm...wow. I wasn't expecting this to be that good at all. I thought the series was just weird. It didn't have a story I could follow. Now THIS deserves its own section! You ask such meaningful thoughts here.

Everything is so beautiful in this. I especially like the idea of different universes. It's so philosophical! You can call me a fan of this series now and forever! It SHOULD be labeled an experimental film. It's at least amazingly graceful.

This was a very cute cartoon. Umm...did I say cute? I think it was meant to be something else. Those flashes of scariness were unsettling. It was still wonderfully animated. I didn't think it would be too long.

Nice to see a new character here. I guess it doesn't have a plot. Well, plot can mean something else nowadays. This was a fun little cartoon. I knew it would be sexual in some way.

I just thought this was okay. Wow, a 4.69? I'm very impressed! The animation was just okay. The cutaway gag was too random. Yeah, not a "Family Guy" fan.

I had completely forgotten about this series. It just isn't one of my favorites. The audio was way out of sync here at first. I just reloaded the page. It did have creative characters.

This is one of the best FNF cartoons I've ever seen. Why? Because it's one of the most heartwarming! I really could totally see this happening. I think that's the first time I've seen the Retarded Animal Babies in a cartoon like this. Well, it's mostly because Puppy's junk hangs out all the time.

I totally sympathize with boyfriend! Not really experimental. It has a coherent story. Good thing he doesn't say "Bleep" as he could come off as swearing. I won't get tired of these great cartoons! I love how realistic this is in comparison to most other cartoons.

Oh, I thought this was a re-animation of "Red Hot Catholic Love". That's my favorite episode! You rarely seem to see re-animation scenes that are this long. This animation was pretty good. Well, "South Park" doesn't have good animation to begin with. That's part of the appeal.

I don't remember this episode. This episode was "Probably". Yes, it was just called that. It revealed that everyone goes to Hell. How harsh.

At first, I thought this would be about videos made by babies. Instead, it didn't even start with babies. Still great though. I know there are tons of popular videos for little kids. Well, we'll always remember Elsagate. This would've made a great satire of that.

This still deserves its recognition. It isn't FNF, so that alone makes it unique! It was different even for you. I should have known there'd be swearing at the end. Good thing you waited until the end.

Short, but that was hilarious. It helps that everything looks so cute. It's a pity this has been forgotten with the infinite number of FNF flashes lately. It's hard to be a good cartoon that's so short. Well, at least here. The voices are perfect.

Seems like Luigi really is despised by the other characters. I love your appeal. Even a small gag can be funny. Well, that is done with newspaper comics! Not that anyone but me reads them anymore.

It was short, but still great. That describes most of these cartoons. It did have a fairly distinct style. DadBattle? There should have been two dads involved! It's amazing how much personality they have without talking.

Well, there's tones in their speech. How many Funkinjam tags are there?! There should be one for Friday Night Funking. This sounds way too dirty. I'm really liking the girlfriend.

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