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This was trippy and awesome! It reminded me of "Homestuck". You bet I've binge watched that! It was especially fun to see this animation style. You took quite a different direction after the first minute. That seemed more like an intro.

It still had a great story afterwards. These were some very unique characters. With this style, it's no doubt why it's well loved. Everybody's voting a full score nowadays. Maybe it was based on a dream?

At first, I thought this would be a porno. You know, with the girls in the intro. I knew it only had a "T" rating. It was still a great cartoon. Maybe this does work better as just an intro. I mean, I couldn't see much story in it.

It might have just been made for fanservice. It's very energetic. I'm glad it doesn't focus that much on the uh, breasts. This was more about butts. It's still pretty original.

Coutto responds:

Exactly... I just wanted to experiment with some stuff so I didn't go too deep on their background, just some pretty basic stuff so I could represent them in the opening.

Wow, another great comedy here! I admit to not being that familiar with this speedrun. I thought I was a Zelda fan! Just look at my thumbnail! Anyway, this had great animation and nothing but lengths. I loved recognizing the stock sounds.

I recognized ones from "Spongebob Squarepants" and "Avengers: Infinity War". You really had no idea what was going on. I think I could at least understand most of the jokes. Zelda itself has a really weird mythology. You obviously know about the trouble with the timelines.

This was one heck of a unique collab! I mean, almost every collab nowadays is a re-animated one. I'm so glad this wasn't. They show different styles in different scenes. This just had different effects used by different people in the same scene! This was so unexpected!

What a breath of fresh air this wonderful cartoon was! It helps that I love cats. Well, everyone does. No wonder the Egyptians worshipped cats! Well, we still do. Everything was so wonderfully adorable!

That was really good! FNF should just have its own section though. The grotesque animation worked pretty well. It's amazing how much one game can inspire. For less than a minute, this got its joke across wonderfully. The voices are nice too.

Loved the joke at the end too. This guy really is devoted to his girlfriend. Well, that's what their names really are anyway. I knew the ratings would be really high. Seems like everything is nowadays.

The setup was great. It really does feel like an action cartoon at first. I can tell it was a student film. It just seems to have the layout of one. It might be because it's about a desk job. I like the idea of having jobs.

I do like pens. Maybe it could have been a little longer. It's still quite effective. The music's a great part of the setup. We normally have action, so it was nice to see something be mundane after all.

sidoopa responds:

oh wow, thanks for the in-depth review, i appreciate it and im really glad you liked it!! id love to make a longer short for whatever project i do next, so i can give the story a bit more pacing and maybe get some more cool shots in there. i had to cut some of the cool stuff from this one for time :(

still!! thanks so much for the feedback, its really appreciated!!

This isn't one of my favorites of yours, as it's too short. It's still good for a quick joke. Most of these cartoons are! How did this not get frontpaged? Look at its high score! Well, that may just be expected here.

Maybe recently, everyone's just been giving everything a high score. The best part might be the title. I've never really heard of "vincible". I guess it must be a word. Your stuff's always cute.

This was very cute, but not one of my favorites. I just wanted more action. I mean, it's kind of too short. It's still certainly worth watching. The castle crashers are pretty fun characters. I'm thinking we should have a Castle Crashers section. Well, anything that gets a mainstream game release should have one.

I appreciate the slick animation. It's easy to recognize these characters. May's certainly been a great month here. No wonder it's considered such a merry month! It's my birthday month too!

travsaus responds:

it's short cause it was just for practice n stuff. but i'll surely have longer animations in the future, I promise you :)
and happy belated birthday to you!

That's just the intro? I appreciate you making it two minutes long. That works for the "Super Mario Bros. Z" series (the new one). I thought this would like a demo. It would show you the game being played. I doubt this is what the actual game is like.

The animation is great. It's always nice to have a lot of energy in your cartoon. This certainly delivered that! You seem to be fond of all capitals. Maybe a bit too gaudy. This was still very enjoyable.

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