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I really didn’t care for this, mostly because there wasn’t much to it. I mean, it was a cat talking. I was thinking something really bad would happen. This wasn’t too damaging to my ears. I’ve heard worse. Maybe I’m just used to it.

The animation is okay. The cat’s fine. There’s just nothing for me to recommend. Don’t get me wrong. I love cats too!

It's great to see where this all started. Kirbopher and Pikanjo's were the most recognizable. That's probably because they're the best. I wish you guys submitted stuff here. You guys get more sexual as the collabs go on. Well, there is that bit with Sheik.

Even the screen transitions were cool. Aww, Brock finally got some. I love how it started with the Mario and Luigi bit. That might have had the best animation. Captain N was stupid.

It seems weird to have a whole submission on an Easter egg. It would make more sense to just have an Easter egg here. Still, this wasn’t bad. I was really shocked when Arnold slapped Chase. I don’t know why. It was so shocking.

Arnold must be the most impersonated celebrity. It’s so easy to do his voice! Uh, Happy Easter?
It is quite appropriate for the time. It’s nice as something short.

It's been too long since I've seen something by you. You're just so awesome with these designs! I don't know much about Ragnarok. Of course, having literally thousands of reviews, I can take on anything. Katze is so cute. I really like the dialogue.

I love how they're casual with everything. The action's great, but it's nice to learn more about the characters. Rina-chan was in this, right? She's in everything. I need to keep up with this series.

Wow, I had no idea this was a collab. You usually say that in the title. We did get some great artists working together. It was kind of like "Fantasia". You know, with the music and everything. That's not an insult of course.

My favorite part was probably with The-Swain. Well, that might just be because he's the one I recognize the most besides Luis. Um, do I address Luis in this review? You're all good artists.

Luis responds:

i just watched it again, yeah i forgot how great Swain's part was in wrapping up the whole animation thematically and also musically. Thanks for the flashback!

I can see why this won Daily Feature. It has probably the best animation of anything for this year's Clock Day. I still don't find it to be quite the best. It was disturbing seeing OrangeClock's penis. Then again, it was more disturbing at the end. I thought they were more respectful towards StrawberryClock.

While obscene, it was good. I really had no idea where it was going. Well, at the halfway point it became kind of obvious. It's still quite fun. Stupid bus.

This was awesome as always. The best part is probably the animation as usual. It's amazing how many of these you have made. They're all so good! The colors are so wonderful. My favorite part was when the flower turned into a balloon.

You're so creative with this. I can even associate with these characters in a weird way. They show so much reaction to the environment. There's so much personality. Dang, 130!

This was simple, but it worked. I expected no less from the Clock Crew. I don’t know why it was 2012. What happened that year? Something about five years? Anyway, this was fine for something short.

Happy Clock Day! Well, belated Clock Day I guess. The animation wasn’t bad. StrawberryClock will always come back. Thanks for the inspiring story.

PinClock responds:

It's 2012 primarily to reference my 2011 Clock Day film, "A Clock Day Carol"

This probably had the best animation of any submission for this year’s Clock Day. It wasn’t quite the best for me. I think it’s because it needed more action. It should have had more of a punchline. Still, this was enjoyable. I remember phones like that.

Well, maybe it’s toy phones I’m thinking of. It still looks nice. I live near the ocean. Of course, the Earth is mostly covered in the ocean. It makes sense.

Happy Clock Day 2017! This is my favorite submission this year! Granted, this is only the second one I've seen, but it's still cool. It was both the name of the actual flash and the name of the flash used in the flash. That's so meta! I do wish there was color.

It was great to see all those clocks in one place. They have such cool designs. I guess that's to be expected. Are there any pony clocks? There should be.

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