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That was pretty good, but not great. I think it was mostly too short. It still built itself up pretty well. Maybe I shouldn’t wish I had one of these. The animation was quite nice. You show pretty strong movements.

It’s fine for a quick joke. I do like how it escalates. It can be pretty unpredictable. The colors are fairly good too. It’s just serviceable for me, which is more than I could probably say for one of these iPhones.

Dang, I’ve forgetting this story more and more. I can still appreicate the great animation and voice work. Looks like the humans and animals are getting equal screen time. I like the idea of a giant skeleton appearing like that. I loved it when she asked who said they had to leave. She simply answers.

I loved the fine little details in this. It’s just good fun. This is one long running series. It’s hard to say how long it will go on. You certainly gave us some interesting ideas.

That was one of your best ever! I guess I love it because of how mischievous it is. Blockbuster of course went out of business. I could have done the same thing! Well, I'd probably have to wait until near the end of it. That does bring back memories.

I actually live near a library. I can rent movies there anytime I want. They don't have video games, though. I don't play those anyway. I see a pawn shop opportunity coming up for them.

I don't see why the rating is so low. I mean, I will admit it's too long. It still has some good jokes. Rina-chan as writer? That was interesting. I enjoy seeing Sonic from "Brawl Taunts".

Yep, that's the exact same design. Scoot is such a great artist. It is of course much lower quality than most of your stuff. It does feel like a poor man's Brawl Taunts. Just make it shorter.

You're such a talented artist. I feel bad for not knowing anything about this show! How did I miss this series? Well, at least I'm here now. The animation reminded me of Appsro. It must have been made with the same program.

My favorite part was probably when the old lady was killed. Wait, I was just talking to my grandmother. That's disgusting. Happy Halloween 2009! It's getting close as I write this review.

This is the lowest rated submission for this year's Madness Day. Honestly, I don't think it's terrible. The worst part is probably how the sound is off. That looks pretty lazy. It still at least manages to give us a good amount of action. I'm always impressed by the different designs these cartoons give out.

I like compilation stuff. It shows all that you've worked on. It does seem like a short collab. I hope you can do better cartoons. Happy Madness Day 2017!

SampleT3xt responds:

il try to better every time and ,thats how to get better

Congratulations on your Daily Feature! That's quite an accomplishment! It's sad to see these cartoons diminishing every year. Anyway, I liked this but didn't love it. The animation was absolutely gorgeous. I loved how realistic it was.

I just wished there was more action! That's what Madness Day is all about! Still, this was unique. The atmosphere was very nice. I just wanted more killing.

This wasn't one of your better cartoons. Still, it was good. I knew that bomb would go off eventually. That title pun was to be expected. It's pretty typical stuff here. It's as nicely cartoonish as ever.

This guy still had personality. For something less than two minutes long, that can be hard. You still delivered what we wanted. I guess it could have used more characters. It's still nice.

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