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It's nice to see another version of B. I'm glad it wasn't just the letter B. How would you do that in modern Newgrounds? How long would the video be? Hee hee, be. The animation was pretty good.

I especially admire how you at least do something with it. Happy Clock Day 2017! A pity there's fewer submissions every year. I still like you guys! I guess you could say this was a "B” movie!

I do wonder what the criteria is for having a character appear in Brawl. Yeah, Pichu wouldn't be a strong fighter. Then again, almost everyone is in this game now. I liked when he killed Simon Cowell. I thought he was going to evolve into Pikachu. Well, he went out like he hoped he would.

He just wanted to be himself. That's quite noble. Miyamoto's pretty fun here too. The animation could be better though. The length was good as well.

Well, that was one of the strangest movies I've come across in a long time. It's mostly because of how insane the animation is. I'm glad everything worked out in the end. You know, with Anusboy winning. Shouldn't he have an anus for a nose? Well, it's insane to try to apply logic to this.

I just love the movements, especially with the teeth. Bill Cipher! I recognize the Eye of the Illuminati a lot more now. The colors are nice and bright too. It's just great.

W-P-S responds:

it's not of the illuminati

I love how earnest you are. I was just talking to my brother about how ridiculous things are getting. I'm aware of all of these insane things going on right now. As for the actual cartoon itself, it's always great to be topical. You get a great sense of the present. Is that Mike Pence?

You know, I realize I don't recognize most members of the Trump administration. That might be a good thing. We just have to keep on living our lives. I'll keep on reviewing. God be with us all.

That was hilarious! My only complaint is that it should have been longer! I would have loved to see more of this. I knew those aliens would die. My favorite bit was probably when it showed everyone being shot. You know, the scene where everything is just scanned out.

I just thought this was so funny. It was like you used different animation styles. You're one of my favorite artists that I'm not very familiar with. I hope that changes! Just so many great games mocked.

I was confused by the monkey poop. I thought it was something else at first. Instead, it turned out to be monkey poop. It's just weird to have that in a Valentine's Day cartoon. Still, it was kind of heartwarming. I love your style.

I think this was an earlier cartoon from you. I'm glad Valentine's Day is so popular. It actually generates more revenue than Halloween! Yeah, look that up! The music is nice too.

Weird how you had a voice actress for sounds that weren't even words. This was still pretty cute. I appreciate how sincere this is. It was still kind of boring. I did like that bit with the Sun, though. That was well animated.

This has heart to it. Hey, maybe that's where the name comes from! I thought this was just decent. I liked the crayons on all the appendages joke. That probably would happen in real life.

The animation could have been better, but this was still awesome. From the get go, it looks great. I thought it would be like a sketch with the screen flashing like that. Instead, it was on coherent story. Dang, that's such a great song. I need to watch that movie someday.

It's good stuff from beginning to end. I'm not a fan of Bioshock. I'm at least familiar with the designs. Yeah, there's so much video game stuff here. I at least recognize most of them.

I felt this was too short. It's still nice that you made this for your mom. I never heard of this Santana song. I thought I was more familiar with their music. There just needed to be more here. I guess the animation wasn't bad.

It would've worked better as part of a compilation. Well, it's always nice to celebrate Valentine's Day. You know, your loved ones. It needed to be more creative. I guess the background was kind of nice.

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