View Profile Ericho

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It looks like you're a new animator here, and let me say welcome! The music, animation, is of course fantastic, and it's unique to see a tribute to the actual guy who made the video games. I think this is the first Miyamoto themed I've seen despite all the Mario flashes here. Keep up the good work.


This is a truly great conclusion to a great series!! The ending was one of the most bittersweet I've ever seen and it was very effective in its storytelling. Likewise, the fight scenes, effects, were great as always! It's a little sad to see it end, but I look forward to future work.


This is easily one of the best Madness tributes I've ever seen! The color, design, etc. was really original. I know that the whole "lightsaber" thing is really a Star Wars ripoff, but it's just so cool nobody even cares!

The one that started it all

I think this was the first cartoon that I ever saw on Newgrounds! Thank you very much, Kirbopher, for introducing me to this great website and all the impact it has had on our culture! As for this episode itself, it was a great start! The idea is original, so are the graphics and music. One question. Why aren't you continuing this series?


Better than the last one! I can now say that this transition from 3D to 2D is going very well for you, (even if the end was a little predictable).

Great to have you back

I've been such a huge fan of your flashes, it was so sad that you stop submitting them like four years ago! Welcome back, my friend! I see that you have a new website, and I don't know if that means you won't be submitting flashes here anymore, but I'm very happy for your success anyway. As for this flash itself, I wouldn't rank it up with the other ones you made, but it was still enjoyable. I'd like to know why you made a 2D one, as you're best known for being one of the first successful people here to make 3D flashes.

Another great chapter

Keep up the good work with these flashes! I must say that it's weird to see a CGI movie on Newgrounds. It's wierd, because every animated movie I see is CGI, whereas the opposite is true for flash movies. I'd like to know how you made this, and let me say you are good at it!

Great comedy

This is some of the best comedy I have ever seen. There was so many pop culture references, yet they were all relevant to the story! It was fifteen minutes long, but never let down for a second! The animation was probably intentionally cheesy, but the good humor certainly made up for it. My favorite part was probably the Matrix parody, but it was all so great!

Always loved

I always loved this song, especially the end! In addition to the great song, the animation was very fluid and well done.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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