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This was just nothing that special. The animation was pretty good. Did Duck burn the house down himself? That's what that joke implies. The Freddy show went on a bit too long. It was still kind of unique.

I liked the duck's design. Stevie looked like he had one eye in those scenes. The music was nice. I guess it wasn't that good of an introduction episode. Maybe a theme song explaining everything?

I'll review each of them seperately. I really loved the menu!

The Evil Cup - 5/10. Nothing special, just an evil cup. I do like the design of the cup. The sounds were pretty nice.

The Circle Of Life - S.E. - 8/10. The better of the two. The sounds were very funny in this. I'm surprised it wasn't an infinite loop. Then again, that may have been too predictable.

I just love the animation. I still think this was too short. There just wasn't that much going on. The little dialogue you had was good. It was nice to see those previews at the end. It shows more activity.

This guy's voice is wonderful. Everything moves so wonderfully smoothly. I feel bad for not knowing the names. Then again, I don't think they have been introduced yet. I just think it works better long.

This did not do much for me. I admit the joke at the end was pretty good. I do recall Clay Fighter! I never actually played it, though. It was nice to see it referenced. This was just nothing that special.

The artwork wasn't too bad. It just could have been more detailed. It was great that you made fun of Bill Cosby, but only in hindsight. Anyone with thirty times as many rape accusations as Michael Jackson should be mocked. The voices were a bit dumb.

I didn’t find anything in this to be that unique. It was kind of nice to hear a different take on the song. The animation didn’t seem that good. The movements seemed a bit cheap. It was just nothing really new to me. I’m not really into this song.

I like the original version better. I guess the cartoon itself is harmless. Now that I think about it, how could it even be harmful? It just is what it is. It’s nothing of note.

I was expecting more action in this. It was still quite nice. I was turned off by all the bikini clad animals. Then again, they WERE well drawn. I knew that breasted snake woman would appear. I think there should have been more action.

This felt like a lot of filler. This still had wonderful animation. I'm vaguely reminded of Snakejohnson. He's a lesser known flash artist here. The castle is done wonderfully especially.

It's great when a popular flash inspires other people. I just felt there should have been more jokes in this. The animation wasn't that good. There should have been more music. Okay, that ghost joke was great. I still don't want you to get a bad grade.

It told the Macbeth story well. It's just nothing too original. The designs should have been better. It's weird knowing that the live-action puppet pals are much more famous. At least it's organized.

I found this to just be okay. I will give it credit for having some pretty cool designs. They really are out of the ordinary. I just didn’t like how it flowed. There wasn’t much smoothness. I know clay creators resent always being compared to Knox.

I mean, the designs seemed at least a little similar. I do like the idea of them going through the chair. It’s interesting to see how their world works. It could also be a bit shorter. The voices weren’t bad.

This wasn’t one of your best cartoons, but I still enjoyed it. Yeah, I wish you’d come back too. The main character’s voice in this is really nice. It just has a lot of energy, as does the character. I felt like there could have been more jokes. I guess I’m just not used to you doing a WoW flash.

It’s always nice to experiment with something new. It’s also nice to have something with WoW in the title. The most memorable part was that girl’s butt. I wish you would have shown her full body! Yep, I’m like that.

It's nice to see another game from you here. I have no problem watching these trailers. They seem to show enough. The music is very appropriate. I can truly appreciate the uniqueness of everything. I think my favorite part is near the end with that worm boss.

I guess I just have a thing for segmented enemies like that. You should get more front page material. It’s great that you get a big picture of everything going on. Most of your games are like that. Wow, this heroine is skimpy.

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