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Episode 5? It looks like this is only the second in the series. The animation and voices are pretty good. I find the concept of worm cleavage to be frightening. I guess it’s been done with everything nowadays. I do like how it’s put together.

I just don’t like it that much. I’m glad you acknowledge that it could have been funnier. Then again, that’s all just opinion. I guess most people’s opinion would be that it was good, just not great. I like the first guy the best.

I really like how you're trying something new here. I've never seen you do orcs before. Come to think of it, there's relatively few stuff about orcs here at all. The animation was as wonderful as ever. Do you ever get tired of making these high ranked cartoons? I mean, I think it would drive you nuts!

I'm glad to be a fan of your work. Then again, everyone is. You draw thick nipples. The final joke was probably the best. Are strokes contagious?

Sexual-Lobster responds:

haha thanks Ericho.
I don't think a great deal about how things will be received, I just try to make them good according to my own values.

someone said you can get strokes smoking meth, so maybe all the whores were smoking his meth behind his back?

I feel bad for not knowing more about this game. I am familiar with the term “Zerg Rush”. This was quite funny. I guess it would be better if I was a fan of the series. The voices were fairly nice. The mike says “Awesome News”.

I think the animation could be better. I think it’s a little too goofy. I know, a weird statement, but it wasn’t very organized. The best part was probably him working on the large structure. The drug jokes were pretty good.

Sorry, but this did not appeal to me. I guess it's because it seems too generic. We've done too many things with Naruto before. This just didn't add anything new. The music wasn't bad. The animation could have been better.

It just doesn't seem like anything that special. The length is pretty good. I guess it's nice that you consider this your first real Flash submission. It's just nothing memorable. You could probably make the outlines a little less thick.

Wow, I was really impressed by this! I am not the biggest fan of this series, but this was tons of fun. The animation was amazing. It also helps that there were so many great intense moments in this. You really had a great understanding of story in this. It was so nice to look at.

There were always new things popping up. The action scenes with the stakes were amazing. You have truly set up a story here. The woman's speech was pretty haunting. It's just so effective.

I think this is one of Gerkinman's best cartoons! I don't think I've seen the other entries in this series. This was just so wonderfully colorful. There were so many cool things going on. It was just so funny. I thought it would end at the beginning.

I'm glad it was fairly long. The details were so fine. I still quite remember all the characters' names. It's great how you established this cool world. I like the idea of breast inspectors.

I'm surprised that this didn't win any awards! I just found this to be hilarious! It was truly creative. There was so much insanity in this. The animation is really good. You have no idea what will happen next.

I certainly remember this song. I even remember the game show mention. It has a pretty funny commentary at the end. The art shifts were nice. It made little sense, but was tons of fun.

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